Saturday, December 20, 2008

Medicaid, Medicare and YOU!


The following is an article from online, FOX NEWS and commentary:


Taxpayers have shelled out at least $200 million since 2004 for medications that have never been reviewed by the government for safety and effectiveness but are still covered under Medicaid, an Associated Press analysis of federal data has found. Millions of private patients are taking such drugs, as well


IF our HEALTHCARE SYSTEM were viable, reliable and worthy of praise, we would say, " Let us CooPeratively purchase drugs as a national program. If we reformed healthcare, "coop-ing" in this way, drug companies with medicare, mediciad who knows? Maybe we would live better, feel stronger and live longer? IT's a thought…

You are Saying "NO" to this suggestion or scheme? Are you saying, "But NO! NOT "US" we want to pay more and get less?"Well you are paying more that some, and you might be risking your in life doing it, or so this article implies such a potential threat. WHAT DO WE DO? PUT ON OUR THINKING CAPS, AND GET STARTED. WRITE IN PENCILE IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER..

Ok, Wipe the slate clean, start from scratch, Priority 1: Healthcare : Do you have a doctor who you consistently see personally when you are sick? Does your doctor know you? When they write you a prescription do you know what your taking? We can't leave it all up to the doctor and the pharmacist; we know what makes our colds, aches and pains go away, and we are just as responsible for our care, no more-so responsible as the doctor and pharmacist. Being privy to new information on drugs is also our responsibility as patients. (Knowing for example that you cannot take certain pain killers, that aver the counter with some prescriptions is essential) .

Too many people, myself included, jus t say, "I need more of those blue caps for my stomach," and that's as far as it goes, knowledge-wise on pharmaceutical ,drugs.


IF our system were serving us well, we would have: Priority 2: An integrated health and behavioural health system, online. Online would be: your access to your records, pin, password secure, and an interface between your doctor's records, rx, and prognosis and care records. The interface with the paying agency: your healthcare provider, Oxford Health Plans, United Health Care or whatever your plan is. The one paying the bill would have direct access to the care-giver to exchange equally the progress, cause and provide more than just payment of bills. Medicare, as a government agency, regulating healthcare for consumers, old and poor and disABLED should notify Doctors of changes in the status of drugs and therapies, and vice versa toward them.

(I hope your not getting a bad impression because, I Don't think I know exactly WHAT DOES AND DOES NOT NEED TO BE DONE, but I'm willing to go out and PROSPOSE and idea for a "Circuit" of healthcare in America. OTHERS WHO READ-IN CAN ADD TO OR EXTRAPOLATE ON THESE IDEAS? I HOPE…)

This is how it would go:

  1. You are sick and you go to the doctor.
  2. The doctor says that you have irritable bowel and writes prescriptions for you for five medications. Your prognosis is good because the meds work.
  3. A)Your doctor accepts co-pay, then files a claim, electronically with for example, Oxford Healthplans'. B) Oxford forwards the claim information to Medicare, or Medicaid , your provider. C) You get a record of the transaction. And the records should stay on file 3-5 years and then be micro-filmed.
  4. The Doctor's office inputs the claim directly to Oxford, and the Medicaid and Medicare offices get notified as to what relates to your health, mental of physical. (YOULL have to decide: Do you want everything via social security number, pin number, alpha-numeric or all of the above…these are small details) When You apply for work, there should also be an interface with social security, there is I believe to some degree information from the States relating to pay, but the details as to what work? Are not found…

ON with the article….

The availability of unapproved prescription drugs to the public may create a dangerous false sense of security. Dozens of deaths have been linked to them.

The medications date back decades, before the Food and Drug Administration tightened its review of drugs in the early 1960s. The FDA says it is trying to squeeze them from the market, but conflicting federal laws allow the Medicaid health program for low-income people to pay for them.

BV: Make medications affordable and people won't be looking for one's that are cheaper, "generic," or "new and promising results". Simply: people won't take chances they don't have to if they believe they may be harmed.

The truth is: Medications are too expensive, testing takes too long and people become lab test's results, sometimes we find out after someone has died from a drug that it was a drug that should be removed from our marketplace.

IF we purchased medications cheapest, with best results and tested/approved there would not be so much horror, here or elsewhere.

Proposal, solution and starting point: Make drug companies partner with drug chains: IN effect, Cooperative operations: It goes back to an integrated approach, namely have CVS, or whomever your drug store is, purchase cheaper, by purchasing in bulk, in a partner contact to supply xyz for x amount of time, and make both parties stick to it.

It's a business deal, something I don't like in healthcare at all…

These are called, "Blanket Orders" Because the give us security and they cover a particular item> Research, Planning and Scheduling IN TIME usage for a specified period of time.

I have written about this elsewhere…

Back to the article

The AP analysis found that Medicaid paid nearly $198 million from 2004 to 2007 for more than 100 unapproved drugs, mostly for common conditions such as colds and pain. Data for 2008 were not available but unapproved drugs still are being sold. The AP checked the medications against FDA databases, using agency guidelines to determine if they were unapproved. The FDA says there may be thousands of such drugs on the market.

BV: IF the system, Doctor, pharmacist and client 1) know how a drug is helping or not 2) the pharmacists can get the drugs cheap 3) the consumer is educated about what OTHER options there are 4) The health provider relates what has been taken off the market to the Doctors and pharmacists, we would curtail much!

CRUX of Article?

Medicaid officials acknowledge the problem, but say they need help from Congress to fix it. The FDA and Medicaid are part of the Health and Human Services Department, but the FDA has yet to compile a master list of unapproved drugs, and Medicaid -- which may be the biggest purchaser -- keeps paying.


BV: IF an informed consumer, their doctor and the health plan agree that they will fore-go safety, (For say an experimental AIDS drug), they sign an affidavit saying so. Then Medicaid, and Health providers have spoken).

Article continued….

"I think this is something we ought to look at very hard, and we ought to fix it," said Medicaid chief Herb Kuhn. "It raises a whole set of questions, not only in terms of safety, but in the efficiency of the program -- to make sure we are getting the right set of services for beneficiaries."

At a time when families, businesses and government are struggling with health care costs and 46 million people are uninsured, payments for questionable medications amount to an unplugged leak in the system.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has asked the HHS inspector general to investigate.

BV: Mr. Grassley, keep up the good fight for us all…


That unapproved prescription drugs can be sold in the United States surprises even doctors and pharmacists. But the FDA estimates they account for 2 percent of all prescriptions filled by U.S. pharmacies, about 72 million scripts a year. Private insurance plans also cover them.

The roots of the problem go back in time, tangled in layers of legalese.

It wasn't until 1962 that Congress ordered the FDA to review all new medications for effectiveness. Thousands of drugs already on the market were also supposed to be evaluated. But some manufacturers claimed their medications were "grandfathered" under earlier laws, and even under the 1962 bill.

Then, in the early 1980s, a safety scandal erupted over one of those medications. E-Ferol, a high potency vitamin E injection, was linked to serious reactions in some 100 premature babies, 40 of whom died.

In response, the FDA started a program to weed out drugs it had never reviewed scientifically. Yet some medications continued to escape scrutiny.

Sometimes, the medications do not help patients. In other cases, the FDA says, they have made people sicker, maybe even killed them. This year, for example, the FDA banned injectable versions of a gout drug called colchicine after receiving reports of 23 deaths. Investigators found the unapproved drug had a very narrow margin of safety, and patients easily could receive a toxic dose leading to complications such as organ failure.

Critics say the FDA's case-by-case enforcement approach is not working.

"The FDA does not appear to have a systematic mechanism to report these drugs out," said Jon Glaudemans, senior vice president of Avalere Health, a health care industry information company, "and there doesn't seem to be a systematic process by which health insurance programs can validate their status. And everyone is pointing the finger at someone else as to why we can't get there."

BV: The process will only take place when we all share information, records, prognosis' and best drug therapies….and not until then…in the interim we have to reform "THE SYSTEM" itself.

'Further, the article says:

In most cases, doctors, pharmacists and patients are not aware the drugs are unapproved.

"Over the years, they have become fully entrenched in the system," said Patti Manolakis, a Charlotte, N.C., pharmacist who has studied the issue. Only a few unapproved drugs are truly essential and should remain on the market, she added.

Tackling the problem is made harder by confusing -- and sometimes conflicting -- laws, regulations and responsibilities that pertain to different government agencies.

BV: Progress is sometimes made by bold individuals, or desperate ones, who find out first person whether a drug is effective….

The article continues….

Medicaid officials said their program, which serves the poor and disabled, is allowed to pay for unapproved drugs until the FDA orders a specific medication off the market. But that can take years.

Compare that with Medicare, the health care program for older people.

Medicare's prescription program is not supposed to cover unapproved drugs. Medicare has purged hundreds of such medications from its coverage lists, but continues to find others.

BV: BINGO! Somebody agrees with me. You were listening to me?

'Further on the article states….

It might be easier to sort things out if the FDA compiled a master list of unapproved drugs, but the agency hasn't. FDA officials say that would be difficult because many manufacturers do not list unapproved products with the agency. Yet, the AP found many that were listed -- a possible starting point for a list.

Among the drugs the AP's research identified were Carbofed, for colds and flu; Hylira, a dry skin ointment; Andehist, a decongestant, and ICAR Prenatal, a vitamin tablet. Medicaid data show the program paid $7.3 million for Carbofed products from 2004 to 2007; $146,000 for Hylira; $4.8 million for Andehist products, and $900,000 for ICAR.

Grassley said the system is failing taxpayers and consumers.

"The problem I see is bureaucrats don't want to make a decision," Grassley said. "There is no reason why this should be such a house of mirrors when so much public money is being spent." Grassley is considering introducing legislation to ensure that consumers are told when a medication is unapproved.

FDA officials say they tell Medicaid and Medicare when the agency moves to ban an unapproved drug, so the programs can stop paying.

"The situation is complicated by the fact that Medicaid and Medicare have a different regulatory regime than FDA does," said FDA compliance lawyer Michael Levy. "There are products that we may consider to be illegally marketed that could be legally reimbursed under their law."

BV: As you and I know, the US is often a policeman, but cannot regulate other countries or impede therapies.

For instance, the article says….

The FDA began its latest crackdown on unapproved drugs two years ago and has taken action against nine types of medications and dozens of companies. Typically, the agency orders manufacturers to stop making and shipping drugs, and it also has seized millions of dollars' worth of medications. But federal law does not provide fines for selling unapproved drugs, and criminal prosecutions are rare.

Some manufacturers of unapproved drugs say their products predate FDA regulation and are "grandfathered in."

BV: This is of particular interest, because essential chemicals may not cause a problem, but a NEW-combination might have a significantly adverse effect!

We go back to this article….

"These are drugs that don't require an FDA approval," said Bill Peters, chief financial officer of Hi-Tech Pharmaceutical in Amityville, N.Y. "These are products with active ingredients that have been on the market for a long time." The company is moving away from older products, Peters said, and its new market offerings are FDA-approved.

Levy said the FDA is skeptical that any drugs now being sold are entitled to "grandfather" status. To qualify, they would have to be identical to medications sold decades ago in formulation and other important aspects.

The agency is targeting drugs linked to fraud, ones that do not work and, above all, those with safety risks. While the crackdown has helped, it does not appear to have solved the problem.

The gout drug banned by the FDA this February is not the only recent case involving safety problems.

Last year, the FDA banned unapproved cough medicines containing hydrocodone, a potent narcotic. Some had directions for medicating children as young as age 2, although no hydrocodone cough products have been shown to be safe and effective for children under 6.

In a 2006 case, the agency received 21 reports of children younger than 2 who died after taking unapproved cold and allergy medications containing carbinoxamine, an allergy drug that also acts as a powerful sedative. Regulators banned all products that contained carbinoxamine in combination with other cold medicines.

"We as Americans have a belief that all the prescription drugs that are available to us have been reviewed and approved by the FDA," said Manolakis, the pharmacist. "I think the presence of these drugs shows we have a false sense of security."


Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Big 3, You and me, (I):



Look, manufacturing is streamlined, downsized, muzzled and our workers are smarter than others. We make the best products; we just can afford to make the best products. Have we NOT learned anything from JAPAN; the upside was the wealth they have, the manufacturing czars of The World are naming their price for their hybrid, electronic and "green" thing remains, no two things remain: We are not a country of thrifty folks, Like Japan.

Two we need to more economically "sound out" this dilema. Open markets are one thing, but you have not learned from JAPAN, CHINA, and INDIA &C...


Government does not belong running businesses in a free market economy. MY view, a limited one, a view of a disABLED woman, who formerly worked in manufacturing and who, lost her job due to downsizing...I've been there. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Dare you call me a Socialist? Well see after you read this....


Government is in charge of keeping the public good, doing what is right for the most amount of people, make their private industry, make their notion of success a success. In other words, there is a role for Government in the economies' market. The prevention of an economic collapse is a "referee saving the life of a beaten man."


We've had our black eyes, we've done without, when we become beyond our control in an abyss. IT is not that Americans make too much. It is rather that we allow others to sell us snow. We don't need a new plan, we need to AMEND the plans we have....I m getting to it.


People have seen others loose jobs, defer wage increases and prices keep going up...that's not fair. Rosemarie, you say, "Life is not fair" I say, "Excuse me, Sir, but we will make it so."


I propose that the Automobile industry take a trump card from Germany and Japan and others...simply use their ideas to help ourselves compete. This IS NOT BEING DONE…


First of all, we don't save. That's changing. Do not discourage us to take the reflexive motion to remain solvent. We deserve the good life that we have created. This dilemma may well make us more fiscally responsive, reserved and proactive toward our long term future. A good education, a concern for the neighbour is our new world view. YES, I AM MY BROTHERS KEEPER, AND HE NEEDS ME TO SPEAK UP!




We are TOO FREE; we've backed ourselves into a financial corner.

Its not going to get pretty....we need to come together, city, government and everyone in the entire citizenry. For what? TO Make a NEW DEAL FOR THE NEW ERA.


We don't need to have an economic-collapse do we? You haven't spoken to "Grandma or Grandpa" of folks who were there. They still have ptsd?


This is an idea: Like other industrialized nations the US needs to



Government and industry, namely in this case the motor industry, need to work together. Industry shouldn't have the resolve that the US GOVT would never let them fail. Those days are over. This is a global economy; we don't have any room for nepotism. For a period of time, as to solve the dilemma, namely having the dilemma dissolve-firstly, making a significant dividend, profitability, solvency, for a decent work wage for employees &C, we need to have a merger.

A joint venture is what they call it on wall street, no?

A merger would be 33% to each of the big 3, and 1% ownership at the Government US.

The non value added the management and the union have to come to the table. You folks make a great auto, but we want to make sure you don't lose you job, you savings, your retirement money...this is how:

The big three act as if they are on the same team, for a time, there will be no differentiation other than what vehicle is being made, we are making AMERICAN vehicles and selling to the world at probably a more competitive price..YOU don't have to send folks home with a cardboard box of good memories.

All you have to do is doing cost analysis on ALL WORK DONE. Yes, you should be looking more closely at the cost - before production of making a vehicle, then the in process costs and then mark up.

If Auto AMERICA came about we would share the wealth inside of our nation. We would not be dependent in any form. We would be "US" The United States. It would be a temporary arrangement; the project is "Keep America Honest and Hardworking, keep jobs"


Ok, just run to your work station, write down what you do. Make a log for each employee for six weeks.

That 's all it would take to re-vamp the system of waste, fraud and abuse? Yup. These execs thought the government would insure their jobs, all their jobs due to the large scale of work, workers, and the trickle-economy.

Once again, we have been reminded that vehicles are more economical if lighter, greener and trendy. We Americans love our chariots. Did you notice MTA is dealing with more than the usual surge in ridership. (That's what I heard...)


Once you have more thrifty operations, we can figure out the wage, the operations-logistics-supply chain, delivery and promotion of an AMERICAN VEHICLE. Call me a protectionist of sorts. If France can sit in on steel purchases as a government, and Japan it\s auto industry, electronics &C why cant we motivate the "line" employee, one who probably hasn't gotten a raise this year, let alone a pink slip?

I submit:

It is far less expensive for US, to be sure, to keep people at the front lines of our economic system there, to negotiate their jobs and keep their outlook upbeat. They deserve to make a good salary for their expertise, specialization, and dedication to that part of the product. It is cheaper to fund employment, minimally, than it is to decimate the economy, in the name of fair markets, competition and success.

This is an emergency. We need to make what we make, a good product, we need to renegotiate distribution to the world at a price that makes way for profit. Have you 3 paid attention to the world market? I'm not expert, but I can tell you that if this were Germany, there would be ONE Manufacturer in THE US for AUTOS.(In such a stressful time, their GOvt. would intervene as Ive heard it has in the past….)


More often people look only inwards for their own survival. What happens is patriotism flies away when you have to go down to welfare and food stamps and take help from your local church, your friends and deplete everything you always worked SO HARD for.

It, success, is so elusive that we trade it in for credit, purchasing and funding our future, and our lives become a series of big IOU'S


If one company went belly up, of the 3, then the other two would become more "popular" as a stock purchase. Its not only about ROI, its about the law of diminishing returns: how many more units of measure do we need before we become unprofitable. IF we, as a nation, are willing to buy from whoever sells the most economical VEHICLE then we also are to blame, so we cannot point at anyone and say, "This is your fault" The blame is irrelevant. Get back inline, folks, you and I and others need to look at what makes an economy thrive, what makes a good product, what worldwide people wish to purchase your product for: QUALITY.


Operations alone, before we talk wages, benefits and supplies, can be changed. HOW ROSEMARIE? Each employee: Just treat the company like it is or as it were YOUR COMPANY. As if you, in the assembly line take ownership and partnership with your company, to insure quality and efficiency. No this is not just talk, its a fact. The more ownership, loyalty and diligence you get from QUALITY employees, those who rely on their abilities, experience and integrity to keep their jobs the better the cheaper and the more progressive the company.


Everyone is a manager, no one makes the distinction of what is their job, what is their responsibility, the considerations of what makes and maintains a quality-efficient product just in time for factory order completion.


All of us, in the manufacture of anything have to take ownership toward the quality of their work, the efficiency of their products and the dedication toward an AMERICAN VEHICLE.


Stop the nonsense. There is no way that a Cadillac is equivocal to a Hundai, The ride alone is 100% better, ok, maybe 98%, but I wont budge. Consider new options: Like….


Lets make cars from HD RUBBER, with steel interior frame, when they run on electricity, hydropower or turbine. Pollution solution?


Cant we just make a filter to the emissions system, one that would absorb the toxins, carbon monoxide &C chemicals. We would gather the used filters and find a way to rid ourselves of the toxins, without making ourselves inhale fossil fuels byproducts of pure pollution...just make a filter to catch the toxins, trade it in and you wont have to obsolete any vehicles. Just make it a "throw-away" filter for the emissions. ITs simple, its like a safety net for our breathing, health and efficiency, and industry.


More so, it is important that: 1) We've always done things this way, why do you want to change things? Because we have to…

2) You don't know, Rosemarie, if any of these ideas will work, and what if there are long term effects that are not readily known? (NAY SAYERS) Folks, that's not how the light bulb got invented.

3) Who takes ownership of this "AMERICAN AUTO CO." at the point when they collectively become solvent, repay their entire debt to uncle Sam, and turn a profit? They need to pay people well, match their skills to the job and continuously make education and quality improvement an everyday move. Quality is inherent in the product or it just doesn't sell. Sell based on competition. We cant compete because were too busy fighting, negotiating and protecting ourselves? POOF@!UP UP AND AWAY? Do you want the car industry in the US to go up in smoke? NO you don't.


SO, take a "humility pill" and join forces,well call it: "American Motors"and have America go to the rescue. We will fund it, but the government will appoint a special legal-trustee (to insure the costeffective use of funds lent, and as a result - we will prevail as a nation. Where is patriotism? An African Proverb says, (Paraphrase) There is nothing wrong with being ignorant, there is only shame in not wanting to do something about it.


People work hard, they want a good life, and for years the struggle has been between labor, government and management. How short sighted this was to have a "pass the buck" mentality. The roosters have come home.

People work just to get by, and they don't have time for the whole world's problems: The elevation of poor persons, the handling of the disadvantaged, and the future of our children.


Look, don't just blame whoever was in charge, I'm tired of that, you know what? EVERYBODY is tired of that.  So in short, All operations would be streamlined. The operations would be duplications of efforts, ROI for a change. A new maxim: "accountability."


Its bankruptcy without socking it to the small supplier for mfg. The little business that is just getting by may actually be able to make strides, expand and compete in a world that is ruled not by competition but by compassion.


Ok, this is where I take off on a tangent:


1) Fix the cosmetic problems of our torn ego and economy. Consider the above, and consider improvisation and extemporaneous management, fair for small business, the labor force and competitive toward the world economy. Extrapolate on the above, aforementioned. Its a drawing board starting point.

2) Make those who are unemployed re-think their career. Are you working for a sector that has NO GROWTH, a tight workforce and long hours and days for a salary that isn't quite enough to buy the

standard to living our nation enjoyed mainly in the 1950's?

Anyone who wishes to get new training for a new career should be funded, without qualifying. The point that they need a job and don't have one is enough, is it not?


2) Fix the microsystem: MAIN STREET USA: Don't allow unfair competition. Fix the healthcare dilemma. (I have written about this elsewhere). Businesses don't have the cash to cover themselves, (for healthcare and benefits), let alone their employees'. Noteworthy, I still cant figure out how if and where seized funds do good for the citizenry. Revenue is revenue, and I have spoken about that elsewhere also.


3) OUR GOVT should fund the big 3. No question, we are with them. BUT we cant write a blank check to an industry that doesn't even have much dedication to its employees. When jobs go overseas, so should the person who does that job. Its my job and I go where it goes? Why not?  Make employment worthwhile once more. Don't allow the tenure of an employee allow him to stop the line, throw a tantrum and effect production. We should all be responsible and not use tenure to qualify us as productive employees.


Its the revolving door. There is no room, capacities, tolerance anywhere for people who take advantage of their seniority.

Seniority is gained presumably from making a good product, making something their putting their name on, something that is more than just another day's work. I have great reverence FOR HARD WORK, DILIGENCE AND INDUSTRY. Those who have come so far, who specialize in a dying trade, who need to be represented, should be. BUT, just like teachers and policemen have to answer for their product, service and delivery form.


Its not enough to be good at what you do. You have to re-think what you do, consider how it would be done better, without reflections on your skills. I know there are tradesmen, and managers and products that require a great amount of proficiency, and we all want you to keep your job. Hey, you wouldn't be around to get tenure if you were a with your manager, he needs your help.


How to streamline?



Your mission: Scramble to make a car for our new world era.

Put on your thinking caps; suggest things to make strides, and keep doing what you do well.


We love you, want to help you and this is not going to be painless. Smaller teams operate better. No one, in a factory should be stuffed up in an office, whilst others sweat it out. Make cubicles for each department inside each department. (Its everybody's office), all should be ready, willing and accommodating to each other. Consider the future of all of you collectively, then later on, when you can compete, when you are productive, then you can split up and count your pennies.


Don't forget to count your pennies. Pennies make dollars and dollars make a difference, an impact and provide for the rainy day. This is a rainy day. In fact its looking like a hurricane and a tornado all in one.


I ill stop here for now. You probably hate me because I dare to suggest that things change. I've seen better days.


War Piece and Peace:


With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten..."


We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."Those who have turned on their own folks...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, we make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things that cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized" we profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.

 With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten"

 Case in point: Civil society and yes, It's Discontents?

While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do.?I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure what Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had no husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control? This lacks character, don't you think? This view is: Outcomes are the only valuable things, namely pregnant or not?

Here, the question should be: What about the abuse situation, why are you tolerating it a scape-goating the little girl? You'll never get an answer to that one...

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...

Whatever the story, we answer for our behaviour. In the scheme of things every action we take, judged good, bad or indifferent, has a place in the fabric of our lives.

Moms are holy! Questions Are: our nation should always support those who make a mistake in judgment? What about: A mistake in a state of immature rivalry? What if she: Is the victim of violence, degradation and fall short on integrity character and strength? As an aside, it is true that I myself am a product of what is called, "The rhythm method."Of five children, I was the second one to be least wanted. My older sibling, a boy before I was born was a "last straw" event. Noteworthy, on the world scene...

YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? That is so gross, but true.  HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the "Maslow scale" one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).SO we say to those in the world with social ills...

"Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you." That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD"; we are a global society, in the information age coming into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce. Take a closer look!

A civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.





America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.




Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?




We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized me profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.





We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.





While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do...I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure that Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had not husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control.

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...



YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the Maslow scale one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).

Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you. That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD; we are a global society, in the information age, into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce.

Civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.


America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, a means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.


Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?



Mankind-War, Peace and Piece:


With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten..."


We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."Those who have turned on their own folks...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, we make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things that cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized" we profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.

 With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten"

 Case in point: Civil society and yes, It's Discontents?

While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do.?I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure what Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had no husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control? This lacks character, don't you think? This view is: Outcomes are the only valuable things, namely pregnant or not?

Here, the question should be: What about the abuse situation, why are you tolerating it a scape-goating the little girl? You'll never get an answer to that one...

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...

Whatever the story, we answer for our behaviour. In the scheme of things every action we take, judged good, bad or indifferent, has a place in the fabric of our lives.

Moms are holy! Questions Are: our nation should always support those who make a mistake in judgment? What about: A mistake in a state of immature rivalry? What if she: Is the victim of violence, degradation and fall short on integrity character and strength? As an aside, it is true that I myself am a product of what is called, "The rhythm method."Of five children, I was the second one to be least wanted. My older sibling, a boy before I was born was a "last straw" event. Noteworthy, on the world scene...

YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? That is so gross, but true.  HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the "Maslow scale" one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).SO we say to those in the world with social ills...

"Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you." That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD"; we are a global society, in the information age coming into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce. Take a closer look!

A civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.





America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.




Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?




We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized me profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.





We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.





While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do...I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure that Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had not husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control.

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...



YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the Maslow scale one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).

Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you. That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD; we are a global society, in the information age, into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce.

Civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.


America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, a means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.


Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?



Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen:


The following was previously submitted, but still relevant today, and viable implementations are hard to decipher without a table of contents…Hence the following, a list of the items discussed in my position paper, entitled:

Saving Arizona.


My computer has been on the blink, I'm circulating this to EVERYONE I believe may have use for the topics. The topics are reasonable and customary for government; hence I'm circulating it around.


It is named after a movie, called "Raising Arizona," where the parents are delinquents, misfits and morons.

I hope that you make use of these items, consider implementation &C.


Thank you for your time, attention to detail and industry.








A sense of humanity: Let us make a difference in the world. The following is submitted for reform only.


The Table of contents is as stated below:

























































Let's Make a difference in this world

Submitted for reform only....

A sense of humanity:

Let us speak of GOD first, and not of reform, but of The Peace and Love that is our GOD. Infinite, we spend a lifetime trying to comprehend what has been done for us. Our sufferings are nothing compared to what he endured for us, but in them we are ever-nearer Him. In our final hour, like in our worst day(s), most high triumph's, terrible lows He is amplified if we seek the face.


The privilege of Citizenship:

"The call to arms:"

Some thoughts, many words on IRAQ....

Sometimes it doesn't look too pretty for mankind. Look for after all that has been said about land ownership, greed, self-preservation and patriotism? For all of

time we have been called to arms.


Since this is a time of war, let me not be construed as a hypocrite, rather a moderate, and independent, a

person who feels that America should no longer be involved in war, but that if it is....we need to

examine our consciousness...I.E. if your country

called you, for combat would you go? If they

called you for non-combat, potentially dangerous position/or combat, what would you do Miss Dundon?

I asked.


(Having had the influence of Mom and Dad, their commitment to children and not themselves and the discourse on Socrates...),'wherefore it is that this society made me who I am,' &c, this allowed me to grow and build to be whatever I am and I am not...I have previously volunteered...would I go now? Where would my sense of responsibility be, where is it if I do not come to the fore? In that you have called what will I go, final answer. I asked myself. I am still dismayed to-day.


(This writer, having explored so many of these social other and life-death, person by person, political, anthropological issues, has in retrospect presented some things here erred, where I was near nowhere, totally preoccupied, disorganized. So forgive the storytelling if if it be too distracting or worse: desensitizing? THANX).


Today, I called and answered the call to volunteer,

the third such invitation this year and I was

turned down; I was delighted to have that conversation, I think it was unfair to turn me away for being on

on medications, and I know it is illegal, technically or debatably; maybe this essay will land me in combat,

no consequence, my obligation has been fulfilled:

I answered. Tomorrow I will call back and volunteer again, and that will make a difference.


I no longer wanted to go...therefore, and since I will not be allowed to work as military personnel, I will volunteer, here in America, with the population I am most familiar with those who are victims of Mental Illness, trauma and the more horrible effects of war, one's which I am not familiar, being "lucky," We all are: VERY GREATFUL - TO THE SOLDIER...I realize to-day that I cannot just sit and make suggestions on how things should be done. I am not a Senator, a representative, a city council member; am I obligated? No? Yes.


I am, I believe, noteworthy for my success' and failures and were I to die, it would be little consequence; So why be perplexed? I'm exactly who they're looking for. 'someone whose got nothing to loose. Life is precious, we do not give it away, we fight with all we have to keep it, but also, those who have no one make the best soldiers. Those who do other things can because that is their calling, their conscience and their understanding of the truth.


I objected to going because I don't think Iraq can be helped anymore in warfare by us, and I think we're out-front, while they are not. This I know to be a region without borders, a brotherhood, and that Afghanistan, Iran those are areas of 'the real war,' Afghanistan and the potential end of our world society. Each country could very well turn against one another on the world scene. We will not survive as a human race if this does not get summarily ended.


Why can't they stop the passage of passenger vehicles into IRAQ? "no can do."'No passenger vehicles inside IRAQ? "so you can blow us up?'" Why has the citizenry not been evacuated and if not are they hostages of sorts? Let the soldiers duke it out, and don't be used as a pawn.


This, it is a war blamed on us, perpetrated onto us because of who we are. I do think we should have gone to war originally, and to this time still, but there should be no longer be bloodshed; it is time for a cessation; we are most grateful to those who have gone to prevent that "the death of society" and from entering our shores....Our condolences to those who live in our hearts forever. To the rest, You are appreciated: Thank you for your service.


Over the years, I have come to see that most of the

time you cannot do as much with strength and force as you can with [simple?] diplomacy. Force alone is insufficient. Diplomacy greets the other side,

or drags them kicking and screaming to the

table; sometimes force is necessary to keep

peace, to provide protection, and of course

for the dispensation of diplomacy to be

made tenable. One who is about to commit suicide

is to be held back from doing the act, is he not?


One may say, after reading this that it is disorganized, frenetic and impossible. I submit, there is no such

thing as impossible, we will work together,

we shall provide an American Lifestyle, to the extent that it is and uses it's full goes....hence, onward to Domestic events, which were the origination point of this now voluminous series of mini-series essays within an essay paper. It is hoped that it will be of service and used as a starting point.

Therefore, I will go, final decision.

On the domestic side:

Societies' ills, today I believe, are really a logistical, economic and "not in my back yard, not my problem" problem...I submit, humbly I hope, that there are natural reactions to poverty. These are quite human and perhaps realistic or even practical, but these the above are contraindicated to who we're trying to be, Americans. No one, should go hungry, homeless, without medical care, or resources here or anywhere; we need to start over. Let's begin, shall we?*


Begin, we nearly never stop trying to revise ideas, but can we just for once agree that we're working on better solutions? This document has been added to, the final form will be sent out to all original parties with revisions. (Let's not make excuses for delays, 'just apologies...I am sorry).


Most of the populace [probably] feel burdened with their own family demands, but can they, and will they continue to "look away?" No, I think we're better than that, and I challenge them to be better than that.



We've all heard, "Build it and they will come..." (from the movie, Field of dreams), now it is time to juxtapose those words: Come and build it, Build it and come and Will they come and build it? In no grandiose fantasy, in no glib homily in no excessive hubris we will attempt to take the vision of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the next level, but not as a few, but as many. (Don't forget, he had Eleanor!) This job will take the work of everyone involved: All of civil service, the community and those who wish now, or wish later to participate in society, ours. I refer you first to these action plan(s) begun here, before the offer you have extended here, action plan(s) to Endeavour to do this very thing: create a wisdom base, utilize the efforts out there and coordinate those efforts into a cohesive body of operation(s). Like what, you say? Coordination, Logistically and Fiscally sound funding, resource and operations of services to all those who are needy: disabled, aged, mentally ill or living in poverty; also, but not limited to those who wish to exceed or excel at what they already do in the world, or perhaps to become what they've always dreamed of. Me, I'm no FDR, I'm a girl from Queens, with no such current aspirations. (hyperbole) This is not, nor is any of my work for self aggrandizement, instead it is that I have been SSOOO close to being homeless, I have been hungry and I have been empty handed many times and this is NOT necessary at all.



That being said, in conjunction with all "agents and agencies and individuals" who wish to get involved

should register by calling the local voting area where they cast their ballot and just say what they would like to do for this effort, what their interest is &c.

Voter fraud can and should be reformed*:

bar-coded, picture ID cards with an individualized pin-that only can be accessed by The Board of Elections Database;noteable is this would be one which should be attached to the white pages' on-line internet database; can we make it that way it would be automatically updated? (No duplication of votes? Can we re-create a system, one without cheating, where everybody is 'heard,' it's easy to vote, and no one looses? Probably not.) 'Come again? It will take a while, lots of optimism and mutual respect and honesty. Can we create an Addressee ID? OOOOHH,probably not, consider, all addresses registered with who lives there? Census information would be easier to obtain, The Census Bureau would interface with the IRS, POST OFFICE AND US>CITZENS; we stand to gain the most, but no census forms ever arrived at my house for me? Are they supposed to be picked up at libraries and banking institutions? I never knew*please advise.

*When the person "pulls the lever to vote," have the machine spit out a data card enclosed in the machine, to be retrieved if needed: backup file."Recount?"



Those who drive, take public transportation or wish

to get involved, but have barriers to getting involved should also call. We should try to make all efforts local, within walking distance to our current homes.


The first question for those who wish to enter the Poverty to Prosperity Program is:


What would you like to do? And when?

Me? I'd like to be 'President of my life' but God already has that job.....what he does through me is all I can do.


Please read a copy of what I wrote up in my blog recently:


This would be an effort to break down barriers to progress, prosperity recovery and resolution of social and personal illness' of all kinds: poverty, disease, sustenance, dreams, recreation, social reform and The American way applied to all, "Each one teach one, they say..." So, (having said that), I wrote this after reading my mail...


Dear Msgr. Kevin Sullivan:

Executive Director - Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of NYC


It not only breaks my heart to see those less fortunate than me, to be unable but not unwilling to contribute it makes me want to take action, right away. Thank you for your letter. It arrived with the "Community Access "paperwork and flyer for action as well!


Copies of what projects I would like to promote are enclosed, and why I propose them,: a need to make a difference in the world of the mentally ill and all those who suffer from poverty and disaster.....By trade I consider myself a Peer Advocate which is a specialized Social Services Worker for The Mentally Ill. Some of us work with the dually diagnosed, Mentally ill and chemically dependent, I do not.


The purpose of this letter is to tell you and everyone I can reach about services that help maintain the American Lifestyle and Standard of Living we strive to deliver, protect and defend so vehemently in the world.


Today, I believe it really is a logistical, economic and "not in my back yard, not my problem" problem...I submit, humbly I hope, that there are natural reactions to poverty: Quite human and perhaps realistic or even practical, but these the above are contraindicated to who we're trying to be, Americans. No on should be hungry, homeless, without medical care, or resources here or anywhere; we need to start over. Let's begin, shall we? I plan to distribute this letter as much as possible, anywhere I am able. It is a cry out to the populace. 'You are burdened with your own family demands, but can you continue to "look away?" No, I think your better than that, and I challenge you to be as it is, better than that.


(Addendum: There is a lot more to do, in terms of action plan(S) than just distributing this, but I continued.....)



1)     Donate to pantries, at houses of worship, at civic centers and at drop in centers.

2    If you are able to do this, then ask yourself, 'Do you have any idea how much it means?' Perhaps you don't

3)    Remember that no one helps themselves, if:

        a) They don't have the energy to get out of bed and get dressed, if they don't

        b) have the clothes "That make the woman..."

        c) if they have been up all night 'sick with worry' and they are deteriorating mentally,

        d) if they sink into indigent status, become displaced and loose everything,

        e) if they are out there, helplessly lost and asking for your help and you turn away.


When you see homeless people, did you every think of buying them a sandwich?


Did you ever give them a Metro Card and tell them where the nearest HRA Office is? Consider that they are mentally handicapped at the moment, sincerely, anyone who stays out there is more than disadvantaged, and they are actually entitled to the MOST IMMEDIATE CARE, would you not be able to help? I was (emphasis added, and added here).


So Msgr, we need to make the resources known to people so that they can be used. The populace will, contribute if they see homeless, needy and healthcare resources return. Go the reverse route offer the service, and the resources will come.


Do you know what HRA said to me? They said, "'What happened to you? and how may we help you?'" They did not say anything that made them "The Big Bad Wolf." Anyway, the goal is to have a Pilot Project called "From Poverty to Prosperity."


(Addendum: then I stated the goal of the process I am proposing, perhaps a rather lofty one at that....but still in all conceivable and possible, I believe).


We want to eradicate poor living conditions, poverty, homelessness, the decline of the American Mind, Mental Illness, Social Illnesses, The lack of community, (I'm am guilty of this, in a general sense I am not communal with my neighbors, I don't really know or trust them. I see them, I know that they live here or there, they may look familiar, but truly like many people, I'm not sure who and what my neighbors are really like) and Social ills like crime.


The plan, so far, would be broken down, preliminarily as follows:


1)     HRA, SSD, FS, CC & All Services would be gathered and listed in a catalogue, and this would be put on a Master List, better and more available than the departmental and 'Private' or unknowns' that are out there. (Addendum: the following...) Make the master list a nationwide database, accessible to the public at Job Centers, Libraries and The Department of Labor Centers.


Simple implementation:

Let the Individual take a survey to see what they may or may not be entitled to...then direct them to those Service Centers.


This alone would cut interviewing and paper flow and centralize all services.


2)     The "Pilotteer" would walk the individuals through the system, very much as they do now. You do not have to be a social worker to do that, you don't need a degree, you just need to be there and be compassionate and understand, do you not?


3)    Follow up is Absolutely necessary, daily until the person is IN PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY and functioning at their highest, best and at (their most successful), goals. (Addendum: 'IN PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY' really means: wherever they wish to be in life, not where they are 'placed by life's events.'


4)    This program would turn out to be a National Alliance, like NAMI, but it would be BOTH/all of the following: Government, Civics Organizations, The Secular groups and religious groups, because everybody does care; the data is there, it's just not being used. The Government knows very well what corporations it funds and why. Bring the family back together, in one form or another, create the systems of community and do not allow corruption in the community, "You're not from around here, are you?"

All you have to do is stop the nonsense, it's all based on fear.


I submit that if the consequences of being a good citizen were health, happiness and whatever you wish to be, have and see, then we wouldn't be "Imagining" (as The John Lennon song goes), we just wouldn't have the time. Perhaps we'd have the burden of having to "Create" problems for ourselves.




I'd also like to share a recent memo:

(To be circulated - anywhere at all,

this document is an essay, now.....)


To: Whom it may concern,


The United States Government,


Annenberg foundation,


Hague adoption consortium,


& You all out there, anyone who'll listen,


Questions, sometimes last, should be first, hence, 'QUESTIONS:


Does it serve The Government, The Tax Payer and The Individual Business Man(?) to SELL

Surplus', unused materials, land, vehicles Etc., instead of investing in America, it's citizens' businesses,

the poor? Hoops, 'not for me most of us say, but industry breeds only industry; try again, folks....


Why not use the seized funds to fund social welfare and awareness of services to improve the public good?


Why can't we reform healthcare? I'm working on it.


Why can't we encourage this personal success and actualization by: making flyers and program information available at schools, voting polling places, libraries, The Post Office and lending institutions?



I am aware that there are programs to do this; this is an idea on how to do it directly and without



Where is "I'm sick, wheres the doctor?" Access?

1) Some doctors don't take your plan?

OUCH. There should be doctors available who do.

We don't seem to be able to regulate healthcare.

From birth to hospice, we should be covered.


2) There is no telling how much doctors pay for healthcare.

Hours. Years &C, but that's got to change too.

Overworked doctors make mistakes, delegate too much and

do amazing work for us, but the cost in human capital is enormous; people die, get birth defects &c, naturally and

due to causes within and beyond control.


However, I submit that:

a) we need more Doctors, they are being discouraged.

b) hours, scholastic demands and paying dues is

unbelievable difficult; conversely, they make a very good living, even luxurious.

c) The hospital system: needs to be systematically reconsidered: Ours are excellent, but there is always room for improvement, quality assurance is built in to any product, tangible or intangible or their is 'failure.'



1) "medivac:" Customized traveling satellite hospitals to visit the home immediately; an ambulance larger and capable of more facilities.


2) Radio frequency walki talkies to the hospital standard ER for onsite instructions.


3) Transport by car, van/minibus' [that we already have] for doctors to arrive to a disaster.


4) Contracted services ordered before hand: no enormous endless 'black hole' of expenses out of control.

No increases for x number of years, contract employment for the: medivac, the walki talkies and minibus'


5) Healthcare:


a) Why are supplies so expensive? Medications sometimes out of reach? Who is responsible? This is not a business, this is life and death? Profit before People should be illegal.

How dare you extinguish life. Life is good. aren't you>sir, madam CEO?


Supplies should be cheaper, why are the suppliers not cooperating? Whose buying that stuff? Vendors have to have partnerships with buyers not a hostile relationship, one of understanding: YOU DO HAVE MY BUSINESS FOR X TIME X AMOUNT, X DELIVERY DATE AND I NEED THE FREIGHT TO BE FREE.


I'm sorry, we decided to buy our medications from Canada.

Canada has decided to exchange doctors with us, and we have decided to ask them if we can exchange patients with them. If their facilities are cheaper, ours have to compete.


Lets have healthcare be more profitable by consulting foreign countries on healthcare; a heath symposium; doctors can go and extend health services without even leaving here; state by state we can do this, lets start here with the UN.


Stated purpose:

1) Stop disease in foreign countries: Africa?

2) Social upheaval is due to personal violations, human cruelty and orientations that are stringent.

3) Abstinence.

4) Education

5) Removal from the home by the government - if violated by someone at home. Transport to another place and placement services so that the individual is not running with a naked child in the brush.

7) Doctors can exchange their services for education in foreign countries; this is a way for them to 'pay their dues' but the time, in hours and years is less with more exposure to varieties and specialties.


I'm so nasty here because otherwise people die. They die young, their sick, they don't feel well, they don't have access, they are depressed. Life is good. Keep it that way.oooh. My mistake?


Why are the hospitals becoming like Home Depot?

No.....that's a biggie.No good. You cant make hospitals a conglomerate, laying people off and consolidating; our services need to expand and there is a better way:


1) It is understandable, in all seriousness to cut costs, but in human capital there are limits to what you can do, unfortunately, there has to be a better way

a) Transport and fill all hospital beds.

b) Cost per bed should be cheaper then. This is a service, not a business-service.

c) Send staff where needed too. Their time should not and is never -even now=be a waste; it is critical. The networks of hospitals should coordinate the efforts of employees in such a way as to draw employees temporarily from one hospital to another; even if this is only for a matter of hours only; those would be optimal hours; there would ultimately be less lay-offs.


2) Create a new network: kind of like "air traffic control"

Similar to what you have now, but have agencies used to do services that take too much of nurses time.

In other words call in a nurses aid, hha &C.

All hospitals should be overstaffed, not understaffed.

How? Well....paperwork is a waste of time. All transactions can be automated with more use of Dictaphone, stenographers and fast longhand dictation.


a) Let that stuff be contracted out. People need jobs.

Give them a job that ties the Nurse & Doctor up.

Medical records should be on disk/cd.





1) ER, Recovery, Social Services for each pt.

Your doing an excellent job,thanx.


I.E. If the homeless/mentally ill were shifted to whatever level they wish to be at; to make all the resources that are available to them to launch them to things like: work-immediately, housing, home ownership? or self-employment?


Fulfill the idea that we are to house, counsel, medicate, apply medical coverage, get work for them - that they wish to do, and help them to see that their is someone who cares, someone who will see them through,

someone who has come to "lift them up..."

America has collectively provided a doorway to a new future and every service is available to such persons, providing they use them properly and in a timely manner....fulfillment of The American Life Style.


I.E. If the poverty level were "Lifted UP" with:

a) a pmt of all debts, or counseling to recover integrity of credit.

b) a downpmt of a home

c) a free vehicle

d) *daycare

e) a home

f) job counseling and placement

g) consideration of self-employment, "become an Avon Lady?"

Etc Etc....


There would be a chance to create an environment for those who are competent, teachable and flexible

to excel in their lives; it is the beginning of "The Poverty to Prosperity Program, see attached."

Let's start with the most needy, each and every citizen will get the same opportunities.

These facilities are available, but the access, process and dissemination of the process are largely

unknown, unavailable or road blocked by the centrifugal force and gravity of their situation.






A) Provide the counseling, education and dissemination of information at an "interpersonal meeting."

B) Use the 1800 fed info phone number to distribute the tremendous multitudinous myriad of information the US Government has to distribute known, available and assist people with the use of that valuable information.

C) Make the 1800fed info number, USA GOV/FIRST GOV.GOV sites known.

D) Foster the relationship between Government and it's citizens; encourage people to write, call or visit

their elected officials' offices to give feedback.

E) Begin the process of paperwork, choices and information-resources




This is why.....


No one, entering, growing up or assimilating to the United States will stay at the poverty level, unless they

are uninterested in these items of opportunity. This is the improvement of The American Lifestyle, The Dream

and The Way a Democracy is intended, designed and potentially operating at it's highest level of delivery

of services to it's citizens.


Should this be, or not be?



What is not being used, should be transferred into being an investment in our human resources; the individuals can sign a "lack of performance agreement," perhaps - if they act irresponsibly and fall back to where they were?


Security enhancements:



Can we get parents to consider dna and fingerprinting of their newborns;



identification at anytime in lifetime

dna in particular will make your child's safety

would improve.



Those who come here seeking asylum should be screened more carefully.

Those who enter illegally should be processed as asylum immigrants.'

Those who wish temporary status should still be screened....why do you

wish to come here, is it to work on holiday, to study, to visit (to visit whom?)

Who will be your sponsor, medically, financially and constitutionally while you

are here? Do you wish to become a citizen here?

Do you agree to come here at your own risk?




Begin : There are civic groups for almost every ethnicity, that being said, why do

we not put the immigrant in contact with those groups or others, ours, if they wish.

Suggestions to the immigrant, like "stay at the Y for a while..." are good.




'As regulated; I am not familiar with issues.


Use the military for border patrol or......

Why do we not use our convicts to do release advanced community service?

'What? Border patrol personnel, bounty hunters policing the subways and streets?

This may have problems with those who are not rehabilitated....use psyche

evals, regimes already established and reward systems. It is not so much

that they work for free, defending their country from potentially dangerous

persons, it is rather that they may be best qualified, other than the military

who are primarily a better source; however the military is overextended right

now, are they not?






There is no way two planes should come within 500 feet of one another, as they did over NYC recently....this

is ludicrous....shameful, ridiculous. The stock market equipment never fails!



No double shifts for ATC Operators.

Create a better environment for the ATC Operators; make them have more "creature comforts" (This is a

very high-stress job)


Encourage children, young adults and adults to get involved in school organization, government &C.

(This will foster a communication or dialogue between government and individuals; possibly have the

elected officials visit schools or civic centers periodically for this purpose; 'just to say "Hello," and introduce

the city council, Us Government or regulating bodies of our society, like clubs &C).


School breakfast and lunch with federal matching dollars? Free meals for the poor, free fruits and vegetable

snacks for those who are NOT "poor."



City wide health clinics:

Services needed

Use the confiscated funds from criminal activities to fund resource programs:

Create a "Medicare subsidy" with this money,

Health and health insurance,

Life insurance subsidies; so that social security does not have to pay,

Food Stamps, Public Assistance and Social Security, SSI, payments


Adoption should be approached with leniency, trepidation and concern: this is not the sale of human



Health screening should be performed before the adoption is finalized; no surprises.


Lending for sick children overseas should be made over long term repayment for poor countries.

Day care, foster-care, Orphanages should not function like warehouses, but

there is a difference in the attitudes of children who get this kind of care instead of other care.







Since the child is in other's care,




Community and civic organizations could consider grouping these care givers, not to share

the responsibilities of a child's care but to create little kiddie foster clubs; give the Foster Moms

no less responsibility, create hierarchy or care, without pay; this is merely motivated by a

sincere interest in children.


Consider: Giving the organizations that provide the space for whatever period a tax certificate?

Provide surplus materials, if desired to expand and improve those facilities that cooperate? These to be

provided by the GSA? Surplus does not intentionally create a profit, but it does create 'revenue' What would be "Lost revenue" is really "Re-Invested" in our citizens. This whole document is a debate, a series of hypothetical's and ramblings; There is however, no such thing as a stupid question, only the one you don't ask and the idea, suggestion or comment you do not make, one that is useful, meaningful and constructive.

Insurance and liability are not applicable; these care givers should already be getting worker's comp

if they need it.


Adoption should be regulated with dna and fingerprinting or child and natural both parents.




Traffic situation in New York City: a) change available streets; make some avenues hov b) change

traffic lights' timing systems to accommodate rush hour flow; make certain busy busy intersections'

lights more synchronized. c) give a $200.00 tax rebate for a complete 100% hov certificate; a hov certificate is complete when one consistently rides in or out of nyc with an hov;these

certificates are to be created for every three months; all hov vehicles should get some kind of compensation.

Non-hov vehicles should pay $200.00 for a complete 100% non-hov certificate, the penalty; the idea being they compensate for the tax rebate/certificates of the hov vehicles also to be issued every three months.

Those who take pubic transportation should be compensated for balancing the transit systems' over-

crowding; if you are willing to take the train at an earlier hour, you should get eight free rides a month or

$16.00 per month credit, non-redeemable for cash with the Transit System towards one's expenses thereto.


The possibility could be opened up for NYC'S Corporations to change hours of operations; after all, some

people telecommute, some people work with overseas companies and we are generally in a global, not a

regional environment; that said, it is feasible for companies to do things with schedules, very much the

way many have become flexible with corporate appearance. Transportation and safety on the trains, buses and railways are not negotiable, but this would make them an unnecessary concern. Unnecessary, in that

trains etc are overcrowded only at certain times, too many trains are on the tracks, this is our concern for

safety etc....trains would not be overcrowded, period.



Libraries just need to hire the way the regular corporations are: two part-time persons for each NEW, not EXISITING

position? Limited benefits can be provided to due budget surpluses.



Incidentally, this is an article I'm writing on Mental Health and Recovery Attitudes:


                'A Word, Please?'


It would appear at first glance that self help is a given and a do or die, but truly it's about battling apathy, fluctuating self esteem issues, meeting or not meeting goals and relationships to goals, people and integration into the world. This is how I see it.


A complex mix of poor performance, say on the job, due to stress, can lead to deteriorating work quality, lack of concern for this could follow, with frustration then lowering of self esteem for unmet goals and finally relationships and functioning would suffer.

At work, at home and in the community all of it goes a rye.


The ideas that you put into this lack of navigation is the reaction to our environment, our thought patterns, our learning and our frustration, depression and lack of fulfillment can lead to other maladies, like substance abuse, gambling and eating disorders.


Then you have a new problem added to your already complicated and intricately decorated lifestyle. No one escapes stress. Billionaires in limousines, don't envy them either; they miss out on a deal due to a traffic jam, perhaps. So initially, in this, what is Part I in what I intend to be a series, I'd like to conclude, for now, with the following, verbose and elongated essay..


Regardless of what people ask you, accept in psychological analysis terms, "the text books," which we have written, with them, self help comes down to:


1)     Empowerment

2)    Planning and reassessment

3)    Motivational learning and examples

4)    New or revised goals, realistic and 'do-able,' (keeping in mind that "All things are possible...")

5)    Action put the plan in action!

6)    Assess your progress regularly, don't stop until you achieve, achieve and move to the next goal, or you're 'dead while walking, and walking-dead, folks..'


(Since that time I have written "Initiative Number ONE: Poverty to Prosperity, below,)


This is an effort to open a non-for profit business to elevate the poor needy, mentally ill aged and disabled people to the highest standards of American living:


It will regionally/nationally be intended to -


Elevate as far as possible the individual from where they are to wherever they are to where they wish to be in the world, to promote a sense of wellness to release the spirit into community, and to:


Coordinate current efforts - facilities: Duplicate or intersect, but do not create a Webb of beauracracy; hence we say, first and foremost: a vein of coordination, Government directly to citizen is necessary. No mediator, hence we use each other as is our best experience, having had success as we have as a nation with 'grass roots' organization's. Just create a governmental database that searches: 'Home' and comes up with "hud"..."medical care" and comes up with Medicaid and Medicare and various newer specialized and targeted "medical assistance" programs....MAKE IT MORE SIMPLIEFIED TO SEARCH; MENUS AND SUBMENUS USE UP THE 45 MINUTES AT THE LIBRARY, EASILY...NONSENSE...


Integrate all current systems/veins of supply/council/services: One: You take a quiz at Food Stamps/Public Assistance/Job Center. Two: Your social security number integrates your last job category to current listings with Department of Labor: work first; you are given, if necessary whatever services in a timely, ordinarily efficient manner. Facilities are given to women and children, the homeless and immigrant and unemployed first; the underemployed get resource referrals, emergency supplies on the spot and psychological counseling. If you qualify for a good or service your 'quiz answers', will pop up that referral ticket and you will print out your tickets for those facilities; at no time will anyone go with just a ticket, instead, they will go to a referred place for services with the ID issued that day; with voter registration? license?NonDriver's ID, Birth?Batismal or just fingerprint?

Personally assist success: Use professionals' expertise; give them a tax deferment for five years, or an exemption of city tax, or a 3% rebate.

Housing obtained: everyone who wishes could conceivably own a home, the question is, WHY HAVE THEY NOT SUCCEEDED, AND WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?

Debt consolidation/elimination: Why are we in debt...why do we depend on future wages...why do we in hubris have such 'guarantees in our minds?' HOW does the government and the individual citizen take the reins on this and renew his fortune? He creates an action plan; Let us create full consumer counseling at no charge; this could not just be for debt resolution, but for a more stable, meaningful in terms of "warm and fuzzy old folks days."

Service to the community: volunteers with work to succeed in this Endeavour; it is not always easy to get people involved, but if they start to see results and the elevation of the most needy, a mild stimulation of the economy, and social Request, respectfully in the open forum that as a service, our organizations which are already established such as "Volunteer Match," inquire of members if they wish to do a job like this one:

As citizens, we are no currently qualified as such, but in essence we are to be:

Peer Advocates in training

Pscyh Companions in training

Peer Counselors in training,


    Start with your sense of compassion, your grounding in reality, however weak or strong it can be used; move onto your knowledge of sorrow, despair and loss; imagine, unsuccessfully most times, loosing everything and everyone; then imagine gaining; become one who wishes not to die your death, but to go there with you, unafraid of your horrors; offer hope; pray, not least, not last. Rule: "I will walk with you, do not walk on me."

These are the more direct care super-workers; we just figure it out, to the best of our ability, relate the information upward where needed, like suicide crisis, and accompany the individual to THEIR DESTINATION...


The purpose of this entire program is to deliver us as a nation from sorrows, complacency and watered down levels of excellence...aren't we all working through at least one or all of these at some point, reaching stretching and moving ahead?


A fellowship, religious, secular and civic will be united in this community effort, centralized registration of services: counseling, advisement, scholastic improvement, socialization programs: civic, cultural, business, and spiritual, not least of all, but being the height of actualization...We need to have an intersection where your life as you wish would have: a faith in action program, a social program, a civic involvement program, an education program - continuously - if you see fit, cultural and intercultural diversity programs - American Life's intended to create Understanding, Exploration and Exposure.

Promote a sense of love/concern and wellness: this is the goal of the program; (it is rather an experience of each other, wherefore it is that in our knowledge of each other we achieve love and concern, compassion and understanding...I digress)..this is done thus: Stop the traffic jams, the overcrowded trains and buses, the unsafe streets, the delinquency of youth, the corruption of an 'educated man,' the unnecessary loss of life - generally and severally - extensive and embroiling &C, too many things to mention..I am remiss, I'm sure, but for now...Traffic Jams, coordinate lights for timing: a) between 5 am and 10 am Lexington Avenue is timed for 4 minute lights, giving traffic ample time for taxis and livery; It would also give hov vehicles only the ability to transport and ride on the avenue. No traffic cross-town would be allowed except those that come from bridges and tunnels, develop a plan to direct hov's to that avenue. b) make Mondays and Fridays 'incentive traffic' days: 1) lower tolls at bridges and tunnels at certain hours; or 2) Mondays and Fridays hours can create compensation for the driver/passengers through lotteries - 'compensation' - not cash, but sports, concert or entertainment tickets of your choice - within limits - for your immediate family. Buses: create bus passes for people who want to participate and get free samples of new or improved or specialty items of their choosing..from a list: Burgers, Dish Detergent, Tires, Oil changes, I.E.; the more rides you have, paying full or partial fare the more stuff you accumulate, providing you do not have excessive trips during peak; 'excessive' and 'average &c' are MTA variables...buses, would schedule timed trips for am & pm rushes, mid day early birds: there is a lot to do in Manhattan, besides work there... Are you worried about unsafe streets; it would surely be that at some point there would be safer streets if we were all watching! waiting! and calling 911! and helping; consider the good Samaritan law in France; where are we? Safety is we are not police, but the word comes from "city" we are the city...when you walk 'anywhere' unafraid of those around you, not thinking you will be harmed, very likely, no guarantee, you probably won't...I believe, and I encourage you to believe in diversity. It is rather that you do not understand a sudden gesture, a hurt look, the quizzical, the not afraid of these things, ask: "Do you know the time, sir?" Thinking the best of people usually gets the best results; very often they will live up to expectations, perhaps not, but at least you know that you have lost some things, but have not failed. Delinquency of youth: Parents are themselves but children in grown up clothes, exploring the world and often realizing how much they'll never know; however it is primary for them to create the best environment for their unique creation of GOD, not themselves. We do not need a replica, instead we need a product we can be stewards of, proud of. Let that be enough is it done. You can't ask that question, neither can I. YOU and I, if the occasion arises can only: present a construct of what we think the world is like. (Argue in front of your kid, if you think they need to see it; if it does create anxiety, send them to bed) Rule number one: Use your judgment, yes you have it, for it is that you were chosen to be this child's parent; your judgment was chosen, you are mates, they will also be your teacher one day; seek out advice from the elders always - there is never a time when 'old ideas don't apply anymore,' only those that "aren't being used.' (You see, if this were false, then "history would NOT repeat," right?) Point one. Point two: Behavior modification: it is never never ever necessary to beat a child...surrounding them with love, even in disappointment makes a stronger, durable pscyhe, one that withstands "beatings of ALL kinds, mental, physical and spiritual." (Just withdraw what is valuable, gratifying or meaningful to the child until such time as they wish to change bad, maladaptive or non-productive behaviors; this always works, but YOU have to NOT give in, be diligent, persevere and ignore the tactics and negotiation style of your child). When__    _


_ society and most of all he or she has failed him, let not tragedy dismay: delinquent children are negotiating, they are in fury, pain, dismay,&c and maybe jail. Jail is a bad idea for children, but sometimes they act like adults: leave that to THE JUDGE(S). However it is that we can change certain behaviors, simply by re-constructing that environment: making sure that they know they have failed: themselves, us, and society...we need to have them live, work and sit side by side in school with other convicted persons: to create a 'big brother system' something that is lacking, I understand - often...create: mentoring in the prison system; as part of parole; skill development: academic, social, presentation skills, and occupational therapies: hobbies; hobbies: create an outlet, whatever that may be. Presentation skills are evident, in writing and in person, when a person becomes fully ratified as to what they would like to say, to imply and to hold until another day. Speech making, support groups, social clubs: these make us 'sturdy, less vulnerable and more involved. (Thank you, Fran Okeson and Joan Maurizzio for these and other things).Point three: They will always be your baby, but we should allow people to give us advice; many people object to anyone's input, since each child is unique and their family has issues that are 'private.' Sorry! we're all experiencing nonsense from these kids and they, parents need home-school associations to discuss these matters AND grades, school performance, and 'what do we do with "kids;" After all, they are always just going to be kids; suppose you were alone? Home-school association could build a fellowship of other Mom's like you; don't be so quick to reject the idea. Why you would, I am not sure, now...Point four: Make no mistake this is twenty-five to life when you have children; certainly not jail, but a commitment to a future with someone who may or may not be easy to live with; doing your best is all anyone can ask: Let's create parenting programs from parents who have had children, people from your church, your neighborhood or I don't know where, but Grandma* gets tired. Point five: Did you ever think of taking in a foster child? YOU have children, what is one more? Why? 'One is the loneliest number; they will be fierce and independent, but psychology says,somethings like: 'they will grow up quickly, best self starters' 'can be, but their is some confusion as to when they are to be children and when they would act like adults.' You can straighten that out, with a complete support system; people I've seen have. Two, foster care children, older can 'teach, coach and educate your child to become a faster, linguistically capable and intelligent being-sooner and better. Three: your home can make someone not have to live in foster care, perhaps ruining their self-concept and ending up a 'statistic.' (No, not all the time, sometimes). Four: You will be compensated, which will help you raise that child; it doesn't cost you anything; people probably think it does. The medical emotional, medical and social barriers to employment, success and a sense of meaning and purpose to life, rather than just the mundane are fulfilled.


For this reason I have requested any, all or some of the following sum(s) from the United States Government, as seized at JFK Airport....I proceeded with serial number, amount and date of confiscation.


(Addendum: The question is, or rather a statement: would publication of the allocation of such seized funds toward the above Services in our newspapers [would] overall serve better than distribution and accountability, so as it were, why not I ask, give the seized monies to the HRA, FS, SSD/SSDI Trust Fund, Empowerment projects and other services the Government and it's contractors already have to offer?)






BY rundown



I have a second chance to write this, since a power surge or some other electronic mayhem knocked me off my



It is true that we are called: "'Mentally ill," but it's untrue that you are not; I maintain, flatly that there is no

such thing as normal, that 'illness' is symptoms, treatable, containable, and in most cases cure-able, to-day.

In as much as persons in the general population do not believe in 'cures' for Mental illness(s), we are to

be put away, if not behind doors, then behind stigma. I submit, with a sense of great disdain for this

attitude: when you were at your worst, you were Mentally ill, but instead of 'breaking' with reality, you

chose, unconsciously I stress, to comply with reality's demands on you to 'bend.' Me, and those like

me, we unconsciously chose to 'break' with reality; it was too harsh, brutal or debilitating.


Therefore, that said, we must go on. "Debilitating" is the key word; we experience how harsh, then

it appears brutal, whilst unbearable it is debilitating: we have a disability - not an Inability. We

need encouragement, support and growth; this comes from our environment. When that falls away,

your boyfriend leaves, most of your friends are married, married with jealous wives perhaps or strewn

across far distances, phone tag, 'CU in the Spring Friends, friends whom are also ill, what do you do

then? Seek empowerment. Some call on inner forces force for enlightenment; this is my experience:

The Spirit of God is nourishment and truth; seeking it you NEED no human; (What you WANT is one

thing, but what you NEED is another. Man and Woman alike were made in pairs, not meant to be alone,

truly) That's my take on debilitating effects.


Now on to this: Empowerment. Livelihood. Oh, everybody's you're bud when you're lively, but ask

the wrong person if he's a volunteer, because you'd consider the cause worthy yourself, and

they all go silent. ('No saves,' right. Right, but throw me a life preserver, talk; at least long enough

until I can get my foot out of my BIG MOUTH!) "You're on your own; I am here to help, but you

must get yourself out of this one..."


Essentially, this example is poor in quality, but recent and memorable for me to write about.

Examples are - hospital waiting areas - great example. Here are three sets of parents, sisters, cousins,

aunts, and neighbors with consumers of mental health services in the waiting room. What do they

USUALLY say to one another? NOTHING! In an emergency, no one seems to learn that we're

all connected by the place we hold in the food chain, where we are: Staten Island, SIUH/Baley Seton

Psych ER - reporting for eval. 'Empowerment', truly calls us to seek, maintain and utilize ABILITY.



THATS 1/2 OF IT, RELAX, LEAVE IT TO THE EXPERTS FOR NOW; notwithstanding you are

the loved one's 'other' you need understanding of the needs presented too....there's your

empowerment! (Most relatives feel that repeated hospitalizations are really a burden, not just

a responsibility. I am talking to you now).


Dear relatives, when you decide you cannot take anymore of this 'illness' that plague that has hold

of so and so, remember, it has to let go of you too; that's your only job. Your not the main

ingredient in the person's recovery, but you were there all these years....your input is valuable.

Should you choose to walk away, the individual has to sink or swim. This is and isn't what

you really want; in some cases you're at the point you just cant afford to have

sentenced them to at best, incomplete recovery. 'Too bad,' you say? Anyone who walks away is

also incomplete, I'm sorry to tell you. Conversely, those who become or are over involved, are

simply stifling, mortifying and rejecting the adulthood of the individual. The Professionals, which

includes and is not limited or secondarily put are Peers.


Empowerment begins with orientation and that starts, hopefully when you are seeking to be

aware of everyone around you, realizing you are ill, complying with treatment and noticing that

there is a better way, and that is found in HOPE. Hope I believe is an instilled value, one we

notice, model and admire in others. Then of course we learn that hope is an experience in freedom;

freedom is experienced when we deliver something to the world and have something of our own.

Then we are truly lovable, kind, compassionate and competent. We have arrived. Love is in our

hearts and minds and we are free from disaster and pain. There is nothing that can keep us from

success, but time and death and both are under the dominion of GOD, not ourselves. For this reason

alone, I am always in a rush, personally, I relate this because I saw a show once Ill tell you about,

just briefly.


A man never had time to read, and this irritated him intensely. Where, When and However he tried,

he couldn't be alone long enough to get through a good book. The world ends, (this part is fuzzy - it

does?) and he FINALLY has time to read. He is the sole survivor, blind-nearly, and he drops his

glasses! HA!~Courtesy of THE Twilight Zone.


Any who, empowerment is a set of keys to your future, a toolbox; you decide the way you will go, how

far, for what reason and if it 'cant be done' you find a way to make it 'get done' THE GOAL(s) you have.

Simply, you get to where you want to be only by pressing forward. Don't sit idly; if you want rest, go

to bed, but don't sit idly; call someone. The power to make or remake your lifestyle, community and

goals achieved is YOU. Make decisions, indecision is a killer to goals. Make plans. Make Lists.

Short lists, long lists and - if your anything like me, and I'm hoping you're not- a pile of (not just 'lots of

papers, like me) - of files to be sorted and handled in time. (I never get the time). Be a good do-be and

get that bad boy done: make files for me of your stuff. NO THATS NOT CODEPENDENCY~THATS

JUST PLAIN OLE 'AD-VICE.' Somebody's got to use all these good ideas, and I'm busy right now).

In other words: part of empowerment is to seek the wisdom and experience of those who have gone

fully through recovery, made your PROPOSED strides already, and they're done with it. Sometimes

we walk the line, so to speak between dependency and interdependence; this is a basic precept of

my personal recovery and experience. Those who have taken issue have issues, remember that!


Empowerment is about movement, someday when you're in full-tilt boogie, you'll be like a cyclone

coming into anyplace you go to. People will love or loathe you, but they will make a definite

decision about you. They will know you: trust or distrust you. No, I'm generally not trusted,

because I'm too unpredictable, controversial and sometimes quite argumentative; therefore

empowerment can create a strong 'step on the b(*^%h' personality. I've got one, sometimes

those heels hurt, others are just a boost! So empowerment can mean task-mastering and taking

risks with your world; not always a good experience. I written out this sort of thing elsewhere,

and essentially, in short you have to experience more than just your microcosm; go out there

(much like The Buddha,) and seek the world; this is the full experience of empowerment and

enlightenment you are on your way to success and beautiful living. Without the feeling of

your full prowess, capabilities I mean , (Power is unessential, in itself), you will stagnate and

be none of the above. You will give up on your dreams and inside your spirit will 'die' of

heartache for sometime.


Here, empowerment will gain you as much as you desire have you the desire and commitment.

Those who do not commit to enlightenment, will not achieve full empowerment. Seek answers.

Question the answer if it is inapplicable. Do it your way within the framework of reality; you

may reach into unreality to pull out your ideas, but submit what is appropriate to your

occasions. Above all, remember, "Life is good."


Finding out what you want in life early is best for your chances of achieving it, be sure, because you may get it.

Next would be a word on Planning and reassessment:


Planning and reassessment is brief, once you are sure what you want. Go to your desk, or cocktail table, in my case, and do your planning. As yourself questions...don't be afraid of the immense dialogue that will ensue....questions like:


Research would be first,

a)    what prevents me from XYZ Goal?

b)    Am I able to remove barriers to goal?

c)    does removing the barriers do harm?

d)    is this legal?

e)    Are the any reasons why I should shelve the goal for now?

f)    is that an excuse not to get started, am I procrastinating, or is it a fear of failure, some neurosis or XYZ?

g)    Gee, is this done, if not, should it be? Ethics, we need those....?

h)    what is the purpose of the goal? Does it achieve anything?

I)    XYZ For you, whatever your question asked?


Second would be analysis, very simply what is the application of such a goal, how is it helpful and to what end will it accomplish a meaningful resolution to a need or application or other idea. Planning is implemented only after consultation with need data and application with projected usage and concept thereof. Refer to research, ask your mentors and peers and those who are involved in your recovery with you, participate fully. Create new and revise old goals upon completion and to your concept. Put your plan into action immediately, 'don't put off for tomorrow what could get done today.' Don't stop until you achieve, achieve and move to the next goal, or your 'dead while walking and walking-dead, folks.


Mentally ill folks, (for example), don't need to 'snap out of it' the populace needs to stop being in denial that their cousin, aunt, uncle and wife, sister, brother or whoever the case may be is different than OTHERS suffering from the same illness. These relative of our, myself included, need to relate the message that we have an active, serious, medical condition, which needs medical, environmental, emotional and economic support growth. All the potential is there, where is the will BURIED behind all illness akin to diabetes, heart problems and liver disease...what further explanation do we need to put the stigma to bed?


(Addendum, I think it necessary to add here a previous speech, one which I did not deliver for reasons probably silly and insignificant:)


A word on stigma: The Mental Health System, comprised of Government, State, Providers, Individuals and families are a priority, however inadequately funded, because of the denial of the general public at large that stigmatizes itself.


Congratulations: Congratulations are in order to all of us involved! because new science, a dialogue, patient centered health, based on the evidence of old and new knowledge, have the Mental Health System and all of us delivery very good care.


One of your accomplishments: I stand before you today a product of the very system, you have my gratitude, sincerely, because, with evidenced based practices, like ACT Teams, I, the patient and peer help the providers reassess the tenants that keep a patient actively well, not sentences "to life" or actively "sic.' We all draw from the same source, ourselves.


And this is why the system has to continue to be sensitive to the socio-cultural belief system, a person's reactions to those system, where the individual wants to be in the world and what they want to do with their lives. This is The Man of Maslow and the fulfillment of self. Our work as peers is love in action; it is intangible.


There are questions to put to a consumer through recovery:


What may we provide you with in the way of serviced to make your recovery happen?

("Most complicated of all): How are you going to be transitioned properly, and can we develop a pathway of trust, fact finding, planning of therapies and implementation and application of what works "evidenced based practices" to serve you well?


At this point the patient cooperates and with God's help - becomes well.


....I continued with a constructive criticism on Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, Part D:


Constructive Criticism The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, Part D, could have been administered much more readily, had it been automated; cooperation between insurance companies, pharmacies and social security would have made way for less "non-value-added tasks." We're talking about an existing-data exchange; a paper chase is not necessary. In other words Social Security which has the medical information already, could have communicated that information directly to the pharmacy companies.

This is being done, it is I'm sure not an original idea nor a very impressive one, I think.


While I have your ear, shock treatment and restraints are like slavery and lobotomy; we have evolved and I believe, we shouldn't tolerate them either. That is to say, that in a world of medical science, love and a respect for dignity and human life in a general sent to the level which we have achieved it, I say, 'No more shock treatments and restraints,' because they are a reversal of all we have accomplished as persons, a country, a world and civilized people.


In sum, use all volunteer organizations to assist the understaffed and staffed organizations that are licensed, funded and permitted to practice in our country. Start with the biggest consumer-base of social services usage in our country, New York City, New York. Fund the operations with Finance Czars and Managing Deputy Directors sharing the responsibilities, which you have, overseeing the down line of accountabilities: delivery of services, quality assurance, fiscal responsiblity.General - non-essential non-operational-centered procedures should not be their concern, that's wrong; give that to General Managers, which you have, at some other level, or simply put, 'forget what hat you wear, just use the heads you have...' (Good working people who can get things done, receive a decent wage and leave the ego at home).


At the Mid-Level, always crucial to the survival, (look at Fortune 100 and 500 companies, you don't need a profit, but you do need to operate so that you are successful, bring them in, with an attitude adjustment, of course...) My advice is hire them, don't use consultants, because it's too risky for corruption and accountability purposes.


In Other Words, this national and regional alliance is a Conglomerate Parent Company, The Federal Government with Satellite states doing what they do with, for and because services are needed to protect, defend and elevate citizens.

Most people don't know about most of the Government Programs, Services and Possibilities for their lives.


Most Importantly, the baseline level: I'm Developing a questionnaire

What is your highest level of education?

How did you get to where you are today?

Are you a US Citizen, if not would you like to be one, and what do you think you have to offer this country of ours?

How old are you? Do you have a trade, what is it that you've worked as, and was that sufficient for you?

Do you think good thoughts about American Ideologies, are we just 'Capitalists?' Does American Lifestyle need improvement and why? Are we in your opinion true to our Constitution, set forth to create a society of self actualization? Is man and citizen Us, those who receive, and consume and hopefully give something back besides our work for our pay. Is there not more hours in the day than eight? Is there not more than a spouse, if at all, and 2.2 children for your personal fulfillment - Do not misunderstand, they are fulfillment in an of themselves, truly, but for some there is more, and there was a time when you had none of these, were you happy then, ask yourself why, and what it was that made you happy? Does it not seem like a good opportunity to advance yourself further, ('doesn't it?), from where you are? If not, fine, but if so, how may we help you?


Motivational Learning and Examples


Some additional ideas:


Since we are neither plant nor animal and do not hatch and walk away, it would be interesting if we used the "Family systems viewpoint," as I call it...


We each, having not "hatched" have a family, a support system, or group of professionals that oversee us; having said this, it's really easy to treat social ills this way reconstructing the family unit as far as possible; there are of course those whom have little or no connections of this kind, isolated. This is where


Simply, use the family system model to create a construct of what a healthy family should be. For instance you would not put battling factions of the same family together, nor persons who haven't been together in twenty years, but say in the average case there are just unresolved issues, fears, attitudes and bad behaviors; the professional team should collectively inquire what is normal for this family and help them reach the desired state of state.


To resolve these not connected we simply could "hatch a family..." You've heard of parents without partners? Well?

I.E., Me, myself, I don't need a Mom anymore, but the thought of loosing contact with my family has been difficult. Personally, if I had to choose, I'd say, 'I'm a plant' and from the ground.


Poverty to Prosperity, Phase II

"Get the word out"


Volunteers are to be used to deliver the message of hope we are to deliver. They will make calls, presentations, perform interviews,* and coordinate these efforts with the Non-profit association, Government and populace.


"Interviews," simple questionnaires, will begin immediately on anyone who wants to advance themselves, but who feels that they cannot because of some barrier. The barrier must be identified, by the meeting itself, by the clinicians and professionals who also volunteer.


We are primarily focused on The Needy, Homeless, Mentally ill and Disabled and Aged, those most vulnerable.***** However this is to be open to the resident alien and the citizen of The United States, as is it's intention, Our Government to raise us up as a nation.


(Every attempt will be made to limit these proceedings to America as a model for the workings of Democracy, a pilot for New York City, and then a pilot for other cities and nations).


"Start the process"



Consider that we need to be responsible with our

's resources, therefore:


Interviews are to be conducted via the Social Services system and clearance by the FBI? We might consider fingerprinting all those involved in participation? This would assure us the participants were who they said they were, received benefits on a one-time basis, which is currently the standard, and that their is no fraud generally or severally???? ('Just a thought on identity theft?)


Noteworthy is:

Gathering information for census and funding will for the first time be easier....


Presentations of this program and its potential for the individual in America are to be made at:

every school nationwide, every: Civic, religious, cultural center.


The National Sense of Self:


The Individual and 'National Sense of Self' as it is hereby described will be starting with the analysis of who we really are and not who we really are not, we need to be realistic; this is the process.


Let's address our problems, other than disease, war and lack of elevation of the poor and middle class, (in whatever order you wish), which lead to, but are not limited to many forms of death.


Start with Disease,

Donate vaccines for children in poor societies where there is no vaccination; done? ok, why are children in Brazil huffing glue, homeless on the street? Thousands.

That is a social disease. It needs to be rooted out; homeless children are our crime against humanity as a group, not just Brazilian politics, ours. Where is the responsibility of the international community? (Smack me, I'm angry; where will they be when they have severe and profound problems as adults from repeated habitual addictive usage>zombies, ask a Neuropsychologist; its letting them do their own lobotomy, slowly.


Nobody argues with me on that one; I apologize for the tone, but see a need for urgency; pardon the familiarity and lack of reverence to the offices overseeing these children, ourselves and this government...




Breaking down the base of lack of performance of The United Nations in some respects; we're not helping to solve each other's problems effectively.


a) socioculturally

b) personality type, ways of relating and perceiving

c) language barriers

d) politics, ouch!

~Good answer? Well, why not have council, assembly, congressmen and senators accompany when possible; un business doesn't have to be at the un building? Come to the floor and address our nation with your concerns.

Once in a while it might help, no?




A yearly, or as needed psychological evaluation of all those who are in school to age eighteen.


(International concerns as extrapolated, necessarily

Advance medical research through an international effort; let us all ask ourselves "How do we dare, dare put a price on disease, suffering and EVEN death?" (Stop that folks!)


Share the research that is in process through an international symposium at a UN Event; use our international relationships to foster HEALTH, not DEATH. Just present what we think we have gathered so far by working in an international team to cure disease. Would that not be human of us? Are there not some things that are just not 'bargains and deals?'


Then there is war,


War, the definition of which is: the open armed conflict between nations, and active hostility or struggle, military operations as a science, to contend, to strive, (Webster's American Dictionary), the rest of the nations not engaged in the war should "Engage in the Diplomacy" of it's resolution.


Resolve to resolve:

Mental warfare is sometimes productive to purge the inpurity,resolve the conflicts and achieve a cohesive 'be as you are' mind-meeting. Work on not changing dialogues, over emphasizing differences, but instead work on similarities

and an understanding-intellectually of the other man's concepts. This is to be approached with all trepidation in some matters, I understand...


Back to the American Model, New York City:


Persons wishing to elevate their living status to something they've always wished for like:

Give pre-natal counseling to all women who will become or are in the early stages of pregnancy. Give parenting classes to any and all parents who wish for them.


A complete education, lacking nothing, with no barriers to success and no area left uncovered in the way of understanding, reason and development of the mind.


This is a group effort, civic organization can develop evening/weekend and night programs for this at meeting rooms, conference rooms and office buildings; the upkeep for this extra use and cleanliness of buildings will be the responsibility of those buildings, but the expense of the additional clean-up will be tax deductible as a charitable contribution to this program.

Self determination for health:

Memberships in health awareness groups, like yoga and gymnastics, exercise groups and sports organizations create wellness and should be promoted by making them 100% tax deductible for the parent, guardian or individual.


The Next Step, 'Community Sense,' something that doesn't need to be learned by most, but enhanced, we need to create "safe "community living situations that are not limited to one aspect of living, like knitting?



Our focus is on the integration of the entire evolution of the human condition, not more of our same condition, 'one generation finger pointing at the next, one race against the other, one nation vs. it's neighbor, adverse international relations, disease, moral decrepitude, death and economic corruption.



'Better peasants than kings with rubles' and not scruples. What makes man poor? They told me one one day, [who?] I'm not sure, I'm sorry,

"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime."


Create the process for the above, step one:

For the purpose of your self-determined advancement, whatever that may be,


"Meeting" for no reason, other than personal development, socialization and learning of individuals.


Cross-cultural, interfaith, "hatch a family,"

*(See particulars above), Secular intellectual development events, 'Community Sense' (Toastmaster's and clubs make presentations and other groups).


******Of particular interest, Educational Advancement Meetings*****


Training for clinicians and teachers and mentoring are already done, however, the emphasis is on volunteering to 'do good.'


Small group self-tutoring is always best, for not too many tutors are fully educated yet.


Throughout one's education years we should foster: socialization, education and community, by creating a 'self-tutoring' situation. Each student must do some form of service to others: for the school, for fellow students or for the community during or after school hours.


The reasons for this are: no one will just learn what they learn, and do whatever they can(?) do well, instead, they will do everything they attempt with everything they have and do it to the best of their ability.


This is not a hypothesis, for it is that those most involved in school do best, is it not? Let us who have objections to this or doubts first inquire about what I've just written, before they make a decision for themselves or their child.


(Note: I do not think anything here should be compensatory).


Social Clubs, Business Development and Educational and Health Maintenance groups like those that promote games or sports should be



The "recovery" of mankind's best and purest self is to be it gets complicated. We are not to completely revert to the selves who had no rules, but in effect we must consider one thing: society and being civilized has made us a) live in less than 'natural' or healthy environs. b) "we are what we eat," and we eat processed, preserved and crappy foods, foods that don't grow that way, are not natural-essentially and have little nutritional value often; some of these toxins remain in the body, &C. c) we do not exercise as we should which is why I recommended healthy maintenance clubs and sports clubs above) there is a certain 'lack of affinity' with nature among many who dwell in the urban environs; largely mankind, myself included, has misplaced his desire to be 'free' not wild, but moving in the sphere of appreciation, observation and experience.





Food, Medical Care and Shelter are not to be with held, but instead be provided, thus:


Stop the food fight!


National Food Program, United States: New York City New York Area.....


Solution to Hunger and Solution to Nutrition,

Have the produce, food processing plants and

canneries work with our Government's Department of Agriculture, which is done to some extent, but expand and improve the program thus:


a) Do not let food spoil, it does; transport it via private contractors directly to soup kitchens, civic centers and pantries.


b) Food that is about to expire is a write off, so distribute it to the poor while it is still good and still edible.


The network I'm talking about here is:

Nationally integrate the services, supply lines should go through contractors: deliver fema services to those who need it

via "yellow freight" if that's the best way; make a government contract, floating in the air, a blanket order to be used when necessary, no cost now. Air, FedEx? What does that matter, shop now; there is time to figure your plan now.


Its not just fema. Its people and places that donate, volunteer and come to help out in bad times: social workers &C...

This is not political motivation, this is speculation intellectually; it is not intended to fully rework how fema and other organizations, like HRA Work; however, there are so many agencies and they do what they should, but they are skewed; that's a problem.


When you become disabled, for instance, somebody should sit you down and tell you how to operate, recuperate and make a new form of income, to the best of your ability if possible.

Some people cant get back there, I think most can do internet work, make a little compensation to supplement themselves so that they are not in poverty; however many can make enough to return to work; speculation only. Benefits, resources, training and development, counseling and advisement, mentoring, self employment opportunities explored, this plan revisited with each individual and an individual who needs help. Getting counseling can re-motivate, stimulate etc..




Internationally, create a supply chain, one that is not broken down by price, politics and logistics; the regional and national and international plans would be essentially the same....the one we have is not working.


When will the poorer countries stop being poor; when we help? When will we help more so to:

feed, build schools, and develop secure currencies and governments.


Addendum: If south east Asian islands are so remote, bring these children here, there or anywhere, you do that but are they really going back and using what they've learned there or are they out here making it for themselves?


Do they come here, make money and go back?

They have not served their country.


All countries should exchange foods to gather a full diet

and nutrition, and the expense should be shared.


NOTE:*To inquire about me is to inquire about humble beginnings where there is the most potential; I have done without,

at times still to this very day I am in need, and graciously it is provided; many times I cannot contribute monetarily, but

this is my contribution which I hope is sufficient).

Today, I am seeking opportunity, but this is my service.


I submit only, with all due respect, that the resources need to be coordinated. Everybody all services, resources and funds should flow to a disaster, they do. However, if we made captains who go directly to start a campaign each time there was a need larger than normal, or perhaps all the time, [probably not feasible, but preferable,] the would:


1) Organize the resources that our Government has; one from each agency should go; hundreds, or thousands of social services worker would go; no buracracy, no extra paperwork, no extra expense: the recipient state is required to pick up the expense.


2) Integrate the resources: first you go to Medicaid, then to welfare, then to job counseling, education for a new job if your market no longer exists, housing starts by volunteers - immediately, relocating disaster victims temporarily if there are no places left to stay; this is probably done, but why hotels? Rent a house for two families and a basement for one individual. Save money.


3) Trauma has to be considered+ make psych and substance abuse attention a priority: this is a moment of personal disaster and potentially a moment of weakness and disease.


4) Revisit the community after the event is 'settled?'

We know they will figure it all out, but cant we give a reposessed car to a cab driver in a disaster community to him

at the price of a reduced value and note for the amount later?

In other words lets be creative? Finance the future of these

disaster victims, create a systematic reinstatement of the

families life: school somewhere now, home somewhere now,

income somehow now, transportation: not all areas are like New York City, we know, therefore the note on

transportation would help; it needs to be addressed.

Its 'chicken or the egg': a vicious cycle, one cannot get

to work if they cannot drive? Encourage them not to leave their homes; this is the place they chose to live in. Perhaps

at one time they had pride in the place?


I luv my town.


The resources that people who donate to civic centers and pantries &C.



c) Help young people and young adults write their own menus; whether poor, needy or not.

Addendum: Citizen exchange programs? A variation on "The Vacation Exchange Club." (A brochure I never used)....problems: fbi, SECURITY CLEARANCE?


Are all participants bonded? What about insurance? Liability? This is an opportunity for

the urban 'kid' to go to the rural area and vice versa.


Does it work, or is it an option to suggest for those who never get to travel, but are honest and reliable.

What? What does this have to do with the elevation of mankind? Contentment.


Note for me to See:

women's leadership forum

w t grant .com






3) ASK: why are the Europeans and Asians doing better than US in school? (get ready for the honest answer...)

a) the school day schedule?

b) the interdisciplinary approach is working best, I know.

c) two months vacation? Kids, are kids, how about six weeks.

d) holiday seasons could be extended. These, the more frequent breaks with more time in the actual classroom is an idea, only an idea...

f) the actual classrooms should be integrated, but also more personalized; children might learn better in smaller groups, like cramming for exams all the time, less formality.

Where does the data really go if all I can do is regurgitate it now and forget it later...let's say: lecture series one, then review series two: groups of four or more taking instructions from a teacher and from resource materials and a resource room full of information; make learning fun, and then will always remember what you've said. Series three: preliminary testing, 'groups of ten or more, "fail, go directly back to resource room, on your own time." Its a monopoly on being educated, or it's a foreclosure on the future."


Series four and five: four, quarterly standardized testing; there is no reason why the year has to end when it's too late to help out, all the pressure would be on the child, very unfair; this way, all problems would be met head-on.

'finally five: reward systems: you can now create a schedule for the child, based on their performance. You can decide when they learn better, at what and when to give them whatever class: am, pm = 1/2 a day, 40 min. or 1 hour per week>concentration should be on what we're not doing well: reading and math? no it's cognitive development processes.


For instance: if we are only trained to follow instructions, well probably very likely do well in math, science and that sort of thing; how are our english,history and reading> probably good, right? Not all the time, most?

Matching the formulae to the equation is usually effective.

We need to figure out how to enhance the problem solving skills of children, like ask them how to change the world? ask: what would you do to stop the war today; bring a newspaper to History and English class once?


Relating what is happening today to what is always happening throughout history is an imperative; for it will repeat if we do not stop the nonsense; sometimes the greatest crime is that people don't listen, cannot learn and give up.


African proverb,' something like this+"a shame is not that you do not know, it really is a shame if you do not want to learn."

What value it is to be left in your grade level if you are functioning at a higher level: problems socially?


Parental consent required. I defer the guardian is in charge.

However, ask: if your child is reading at second year high school, why does she have to sit in eight grade reading classes and be a sleep? Cant they go to another classroom just for the reading group; they may well be more mature? Smaller perhaps, but more mature cognitively; let them learn to be older in terms of learning; this, even if they have nothing in common other than these skills, ask: aren't they having this class in common? Its ok to know people older than you>is it not?


That's all for education, right now....

A few final thoughts on AMERICA...

PS As it is we are no longer a solid manufacturing economy, only the only one who makes solid products, one's that are durable, lasting high-quality and "forget me-nots," let's make them 'come around...shall we? This may turn around if we make it.

HOW? Well, start somewhere!


Big ticket items: Let's make automobiles out of 3 ply-steel inlay HDrubber; like tires, like bumper cars, with steel frame construction outside; the rubber is to make the car lighter, and safer, and cheaper?

Let's create more space; land is our most valuable asset; water our most valuable resource; if water were to be forced to evaporate, then forced to rain, there would be a) a number of eco problems, definitely, but, b) a number manageable possibilities>create land>where there are volcanoes there is always more land coming forward, follow me, this will get confusing, if it is not is not a novelty; water is scarce; and the desert is full! Why are we not getting rid of all that sand? Miss Dundon, you say, how? around these lands are scarce water supplies? Well what if desert were changed into arable land? We'd all be happy, but that's not ecological sense, what elements are missing in the sand?, add them, and those missing? Clay? We have lots of clay? That's still 'not happening....?' Can't we drill, get magma and let it harden wherever we want to; drawing from the volcanoes would be difficult, due to extreme temperatures; at a distance, where below-ground temperatures might be less heated, can we drill there? (And retrieve magma, let it dry up, harden and chip it into plates; plates that can be made into 'new islands?' What's so "crazy about that?)


*The thought I'm thinking is:

a) land can be created

b) oceans can be used to irrigate wherever, can be diverted from eroding shorelines too much,

c) evaporation and re-hydration of the right earth-areas, might in a small part slow global warming by growing trees, foliage & draught problems.

d) We need to stop the melting of the polar ice caps:

Maybe, our world effort would be, first NASA, and then the world perhaps, perhaps not, might be able to slow down the melting of the polar ice caps with magma, these "plates" I discussed to be inserted as 'landfill.' Or simply put landfill in as landfill, hills, valleys; we can divert the water wherever we wish, with great trepidation, I might add!

d) we need to work on cleaning the water supply, ouch!

Forget the chlorine and additives which it turns out are carcitigens, even at low levels,with predispositions, who needs that? What about: Bacteria, tooth decay, cleanliness?


Well, let's find a way, shall we?

Heat the water before delivery to the faucet to temperatures that eliminate bacteria. Then chill it and deliver it: it would be safe for some long? Ask someone who knows. COLD, in extremes does not allow bacteria to grow, but I know that HEAT kills bacteria, hence the first theory. Why not make the water vitamin enriched? B's A's C', D's & Foliate, these most often lacking in some diets? Would it taste really bad? Doesn't most water taste bad now? You can still have "Vitamin Water" the Brands' name; they own the idea, but make it on-demand, and on-tap.


Clean water:

('Can't spell, but at least I know I can't...)

Cleanliness: not fully covered, we're not satisfied with clean, regarding bacteria, we need to cover epa situations: hmmmm, chemicals, and 'sludge,' well, ("NO EXPERT, JUST VERY OPINIONATED), Scientist's,' it is yours, the idea that 'it must be revealed, proven and explored, so I ask, wherefore I am here [and other places], ignorant, can you not match-up the anti-dotes to the chemicals in the water and cleanse it? Get the antidotes from the periodic table itself.


'No mistaking what I've said: Chemical engineers:

[Can we?] Reverse the process of pollution with those chemicals wherever possible that 'evaporate or dissipate the pollution? THINK of anti-biotic; medicine/medical research: think of anti-bodies; can you create

anti-bodies to the effects of the pollution?


Disease: Can we create anti-bodies to cancer? A thought well intended, and discussed, I'm sure; there are I've heard theories on immune system's capabilities in cancer research and things like dietary deficiencies, as well as environment, heredity &c.A Case in

point: these are two reasons that point to

anti-bodies: a) external stimuli and internal processing - I.e. acetylcholine re-uptake, and all that. Little that

I know, and that "little bit of knowledge being dangerous," you see I believe that anti-bodies are the answer: create a pathway through which the cells whereby chemical messengers do identify the foreign growth on abnormal tissue; you ask me, "HOW?" Oh, work with me now...well lets hypothesize:


a) can we get good cells to attack back o

nes, so that the body, 'cures itself?' Can we apply medications that create the uptake of the bodies chemicals that are present in the death of cells, inject that into the bad tissues, or easier: make a medication that can be swallowed, dissolved or in jested that does that?

Sounds like chemo? no. the body is going to replace the abnormal cells with normal cells: how do I know? I don''s just a guess.


Can the chemicals present in living-healthy-normal cells be replicated, in the dish-laboratory and used as a medication in a similar way? If not replicated, then generated in the bad cells to re-work their health, or "attack" malignancy. You take the big ones ok?


b) can we get bad cells to be 'tricked' into not growing: to eventually be decayed? Probably. Let's see...hmmm.

Well, look at what makes cells decay: Wear, tear and aging, nutrition and lack of nutrient supply; someday the body just decides it would not like to deliver vitamin c, for instance, to xyz cells anymore.....bear with me...isn't that true? Well, I'm not assuming? Who told that chemical it doesn't have to be delivered? Well, age old cells around it? yeah. Ok...was it my brain? was, well, how do I mess with that? You can't.

Unless it is experimentally proven to be sound treatment on humans; no one will go for this.

Can we create a drug to reverse these processes of aging to totally avoid many forms of disease. Perhaps, but testing is very difficult.


How about P>E>T scans, instead of testing drugs??

Rats, mice and vermin, primates, &c...they make for good drug experimentation, but not proof of long term effects. PET scans show actual chemical reactions and electronic axon firing, therefore use them to

evaluate and treat disease: most of our functions are broken down to brain level or sublevel activity: connectivity, age, chemical uptake and autonomic vs. parasympathetic functions.


So, Neurologist's are you with me? The brain is sitting on the neck, and "The neck bone is, yes, connected to the backbone...&c." I want someone to read this to their children, and please explain it all; for one day they will ask questions, make assertions and hypothesize, too.


Regeneration of nerve tissue and brain cells are collectively in theory, here alone I guess, the same; perhaps for mere want of my exposure. Anyway, nerves don't regenerate by themselves, and currently as far as I've heard neither do brain cells; these [by not doing so] correlate suggesting a possible answer to both, but this does not mean, of course the same cause; since we

have so little, start there...current theory is unacceptable to most: create a spine, for the purpose of destruction, and grow the cells, replicating gestation? No, don't do do that! None of this is necessary, something better must be done. What?


Make ourselves our own donor. At birth tissues from the spine can be stored in case we ever need them.

Recently, I thought, why not get cells from us at

birth for our use should we need them. (No, your body will probably reject my cells, so I cannot donate to you without a myriad of other research necessary and we haven't completed this yet).


Question: Simply put: can't the cells in

the brain be regenerated by finding our de-generating process' chemicals; we probably already know that because we have drugs to slow Alzheimer's; so where is the aluminum cleansing supplement, the ventricles-shrinking substance [to stop the expansion of the ventricles], the spinal fluid-drain-process? How could something, if excess of fluid is a problem, be non-invasive? and is it necessary for the re-enactment of fetal brain growth, how would we speculate for such a thing?


Nerve tissue is like what? It's a lot like electrical wire. It is wiry and extensive and interconnected. Therefore let's begin with that premise. What makes it re-ignite, re-fire? Re-lacing the wire with solder. We on this premise need to experiment on what could be used from one's own body to reconnect dead tissues to living tissues without disrupting the impulse of stimulus, impulse or connectivity. Now think of it as a phone wire. A special kind of wire. Phone wire relates sound, vibration and heat by transmitting patterns of muted physical impulse. It turns a vibration into sound then light and heat then back into the same on the other side.


(That's why the game 'telephone' only needs a string and two cups, jocularity).


Hence, that said, if we could just get 'the wire' to just relate the information, do it's transmitting and create a purpose-pathway for the energy: light/heat, sound and vibration both sensation and impulse might return.

HOW? We've learned to re-grow cartilage? We have dna...cloning is not allowed, nor should it be, but where we are FULL OF CELLS, MADE OF CELLS, ONE COULD HOLD THE ANSWER.


Let's say that one Nerve Cell does hold the answer. Would you, having lost all feeling in one leg, give some nerve tissue to your other leg? 'Transplant it?

No. Can't be done, probably not; it would probably get damaged into to just removing it from it's spot.


Regenerating it, hummnnn, that's still a tough one. Growth hormone, does that generate any nerve conductance or nerve growth: providing we are growing, are we not, our "new-grown up selves" in need

of more nerve tissue. Does this imply pituitary involvement; how about the reasonable assertions

that the tissue has died because it cannot recognize the

stimulus, instead of saying it doesn't have the feeling or

ability to conduct it?


Ask then: is nerve conductance tissue problems or conductance of 'impulse &c? both? If one or both,

then the regeneration is to revive the impulse reception

Let's move on....

I.e., It is that chemicals like serotonin shut down the skin when someone is bleeding to clot the blood, serotonin being a chemical messenger in the skin.

What then is the chemical messenger that 'repairs'

tissue: What then is there that in anyway

repairs tissue>Vitamin C we know helps build cells; what makes tissue grow>Folate makes certain tissue grow>what makes tissue regenerate will possibly be one of these? My knowledge stops me there with nerve conductance and chemical messengers.


Re-create the optimum brain, spinal cord and body we had at some point? We're not too far away.


We do have this information: we know that fish is brain food; the world over we know that iodine is golden, Omega 3 is "Amazing 3," (Perhaps an aside, it's called "OMEGA 3" I just had to throw that in there.

I realize I still haven't answered. HOW? Is it some form of enriched blood that keeps the body young? Yes, anyone would probably agree; the simplest foods, the lack of impurities in our bodies, the least amount of exposure to toxins etc. Therefore proceed that it is a two part process: a) enriched blood, to deliver nutrients to keep cells alive b) some unknown process to be developed to regenerate cells: consider that ECT kills cells; (I, having seen ECT First hand IN DEMAND, SAY: there should be no messing with the electro-conductance of the brain), it is not necessary, since these theories are not about conductance, or stimulating the chemicals via electricity, a process that only delays a later, perhaps worse reaction, loss of function and most of all cells. If conductance kills then what regenerates?And,so ask yourself, if the opposite of fire is water then what is the opposite of electricity? water? hemoglobin? spinal fluid? Is it the bodies attempt to "hold" onto cells that causes the widening of the ventricles in the brain? is there any difference in the chemical makeup of this fluid in a say, the hydrocephalic and an Alzheimer's patient? more importantly can we do PETs on these severe brain disease to cure them and in so doing create brain, body and life-span longevity? I don't know...I'm just an inquisitor.


a) cells are produced in the bodies organs

b) cells die all the time

c) cells grow all the time

d) cells "fix" their 'problems' most of the time.

start there.

e) can we re-work our idea, with all we 'know'

about what a cell is? Don't tell me it's a,b,c,&C, the building block &C; tell me more, tell everybody. Biology for third grader's has to be more interesting for all kinds of thinkers, folks.

e) Cancer and other diseases are self determined...we interrupt the process', and effect ~"'cures?'" Preventive medicine is best, Cures are: the best nutrition, clean water, less pollution and exercise.


Why doesn't Waldbaums and Shoprite and the A&P sell complete meals: vegetarian, carnivore and vegan:

1 apple, 1 veggie burger, 1 small milk, 1 small juice,

carrots and a serving of potatoes? (in a package)

What's the point of all the lack of coordination, the choices are endless.


Why doesn't somebody start that business:


a) call up and order your food, have it delivered, cod, amex, visa, mastercard, eft.

b) go there and 'create the meal'

c) its like a take out food warehouse, kind of like Home Depot.

d) Now delis can specialize in things you don't find at the supermarket: Rice balls &C.

e) this stimulates the economy: trucks, delivery vans, and freight; it saves on emissions of fossil fuels, because people will have food delivered by one truck for ten families.


Why? Because regardless of preferences, nutrition is a tricky business, lets have nutritionists work at waldbaums as

consultants? You go there, and they write you a personal

plan for $X.00, perhaps at a sliding scale. Is this covered by Medicaid. Ouch?


Preventive medicine is an investment not an unnecessary "expense."


Are we feeble because we do not know what is available. Are resources 'hanging in the air' being available, paid for and not used? I think so, in my case it is true; this I know:

on Medicare I can go to a gym, dental is extensive or generous, hmo copays are lower, but need to be reduced.




Why cant we make vehicles that are above ground?

What? Did you ever see the "train to the plane?" in NYC.

Railways above major highways, to cut the flow of traffic, in only the largest markets: The Long Island Expressway?

Its always a mess. You go there at 2 pm and its busy.


Even if its along side the road, above ground and only for a few exits.


Discovery is GOD'S WORK, for "All good things come from God."

Well Jesus, we in HIS IMAGE, should be unafraid to approach the world community with any idea. However bizarre-totally. HE uses us for what is useful, powerful, grandiose, and productive is His, not mine. What is unworthy - start over with, every good idea starts somewhere.&C."Mattie King and I say, "The Lord Gets All THE CREDIT."