Saturday, December 6, 2008

War Piece and Peace:


With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten..."


We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."Those who have turned on their own folks...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, we make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things that cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized" we profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.

 With all our follies, our weaknesses our dogmas, systems, standards and lessons, I heard it put best in the simplest form: "Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten"

 Case in point: Civil society and yes, It's Discontents?

While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do.?I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure what Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had no husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control? This lacks character, don't you think? This view is: Outcomes are the only valuable things, namely pregnant or not?

Here, the question should be: What about the abuse situation, why are you tolerating it a scape-goating the little girl? You'll never get an answer to that one...

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...

Whatever the story, we answer for our behaviour. In the scheme of things every action we take, judged good, bad or indifferent, has a place in the fabric of our lives.

Moms are holy! Questions Are: our nation should always support those who make a mistake in judgment? What about: A mistake in a state of immature rivalry? What if she: Is the victim of violence, degradation and fall short on integrity character and strength? As an aside, it is true that I myself am a product of what is called, "The rhythm method."Of five children, I was the second one to be least wanted. My older sibling, a boy before I was born was a "last straw" event. Noteworthy, on the world scene...

YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? That is so gross, but true.  HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the "Maslow scale" one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).SO we say to those in the world with social ills...

"Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you." That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD"; we are a global society, in the information age coming into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce. Take a closer look!

A civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.





America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.




Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?




We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.

 Borders should only be important when preserving life, standard of living and taxation. Other than good borders, like good fences, make good neighbors. We redraw the boundaries after the upheavals of separatism, differences and judgment. These same things cause mankind to threaten, kill, mame and risk life and limb to persevere with loyalty to their ideologies.

It s not a bad thing to have a cultural identity, which can be said to be a set of maxims that are your starting point in the social arena of the world community, but to kill in the name of race, language, economy and intolerance, we are far from the well meaning script we have lived by, fought for and maintain. Eventually we will have to re-assess, evaluate and contrive our new place. As man develops better living standards, we end and begin with a set of ideas, behaviours and lessons we live by. The longer we have been in our "evolution of man" the more "Civilized me profess ourselves to be, the more retrospect, introspective and self-policing we become.





We should never allow ourselves to evolve into a society of death, loose morals and social constructs that do not allow us to be the fragile, temporal and significant beings we are. Yet, in America, some of our values are anti-family, anti-society, anti-theological and quite tragic.

We engage in wars to save the very old, the very young, the children and mothers, the survivors of what Ill call "the death brigade."...the images are on video and audio but how many of us respect the lives being tragically diverted, routed, and destroyed by dogma, pride, cantankerous, insipid traditions of men..."X-Men"  not YES MEN. XMEN: The variable likely soldier of life, dignity and respect toward GOD, CITIZEN AND EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY.





While it is a truism that customary widely accepted ideas, like life, dignity and the human condition are to be guarded, we have gone too far in the name of progress. I.E. ABORTION: Not necessary, but performed daily. The integration of belief systems and the urgency to spare the lost and confused, to keep up the appearances of our daughters and sons as good children, good citizens and good persons, a diatribe of force, sorrow threats of a daunting future, bleak prospects, future poverty, asceticism  at its best..We seek to free the foolish young girl, the victim of incest, the victim of rape and the tragedy of loosing our youth to the unborn. at no time is this new arrival to be seen as a threat to our wellbeing, but since your new place at the adult's table is set, you as an unwed mother may well spend your time, all your resources, and your energy explaining why things are going the way they will for those who have little or no support in the community...The worst of all is these who are amongst us who are what I call, "Holier than thou" folks.

The truth remains that the only difference there is better planning, better support within the family and NOT better character. In fact, I really, personally admire those women who in the name of wholesome dignity, in the name of life, are tolerating the opinionated, dogma, shame-slinging losers who are just luckier, sneaky about their private lives, better prepared and not as affectively charged as these moms. WHEN we speak to these women, some are happy to have their child, regardless of the circumstances, trials, and devotion required, they don't have much too much to gain, by having their baby beyond the beauty and good living of someone who "walks the walk"

Those that I've spoken to have had the short route: abortion, period."Oh, (in a matter of fact-ly voice :) I just took my sister to get an abortion...the guy is married and she's been with him for was an accident. One form. Two, (did you get your "friend" I'm waiting for mine too?) what will you do...I know what I'm going to do, he (the father) and I, are going to get married if I am pregnant...what about you? (Boldly) I'm taking what comes, I'm hoping I'm not, and if I am I'm not too sure that Ill let even the father know...I'm not sure what Ill do, and I'm not scared...I believe in The Lord, and it would be very difficult to have an abortion, I'm not sure that Ill do. (Three) I had a set of twins already; I couldn't go back to bottles and diapers. I had not husband to help me...I'm not sorry with what happened, but I feel bad about it. I cant even afford to take care of myself let alone a third child...that's my explanation and Ill answer to GOD for it.(Four) I had four children, my husband had just left and I needed to work and take care of them, I did (have an abortion) because I needed to be there for my kids.(Four) I'm pregnant, I'm having it and were getting married...(two weeks later), I'm not pregnant, were not getting married and I feel awful &C...Five: Did you get your period, (your name) Why do you ask me everyday? Because you were abused and she's afraid you are pregnant, yet she does nothing to protect this child from the abuse, the only solution she sees is: make sure you use birth control.

The identities of these women are in my confidence and the only purpose if the dissemination of information the kind of information that SAVES YOUTH AND SAVES LIVES...



YOU do see that America is fighting wars everywhere? Why are we always out-front, being shot down, making our soldiers seek, rescue and restore dignity and be questioned for our motives? Why is commerce a motivating factor for peace? HOW silly of me? I should wake up?

Look at the Maslow scale one more time.  We, all of us, have unlimited needs in every area of scale, but AMERICA is pulled from top and bottom, because we have a value system that says intrinsically: "I am my brother keeper." (Whether it is an overt, professed statement or just in our mind-set because of our customs, rituals-religion of sense of responsibility, is a meaningless distraction).

Come to America, defect, declare yourself a refugee and we will comfort you. That is in our treatise, composite persona and entrenched in our value system. It is true that largely, until a nation takes on the work of lifting up the poor, providing training, jobs, and infrastructure we never will get those folks past "I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm not safe here &C....

We are seeking to do our best to comfort, console, construct and re-fabricate the decent-living that we take for granted to any and all places around the world. Largely we are, as I have seen, being judged as intolerant, self-serving and indifferent. We are largely, I dare say, misunderstood. If we stop doing business with those that threaten diplomacy and democracy and our standard of living, then you would hear these folks wanting to come to the table of negotiation to appease their citizens. When the average citizen takes up arms, in a militia toward the westerners, they are lost in the translation: "We are REALLY here to help you. You are not living as good a life as you may think, you have sold out and are settling for less that you deserve as a citizen of THE WORLD; we are a global society, in the information age, into our own homes. You may believe that the west is decrepit, degraded, dilapidated, down on morals and up on efficiency, productivity and commerce.

Civilization only prospers when everyone involved in the process is determined to give something back to those who have not evolved their sense of community beyond talk. No where in the world should there be folks who are not part of the fabric of the world. We are largely now a citizenry of ideology vs. history. Most countries do not give up on traditions of men, on the way it has always been done, (Anything) that is new, innovative and progressive is sometimes seen as a great hindrance.


America is a success story in the civilization of our world. Yet, we are often perceived as power hungry, intolerant, selfish and deadly. We are treated as if we are greedy foreigners who are involved too deeply in the affairs of other nations. We have time, attention and dedication to the concerns of our fellow humans, citizens around the world.

We are the breadbasket, the collection-plate of subsidy, the referee, the concerned neighbor to the world. IF we wanted to, we could just take our enemies off the map...eliminate their existence, make no bones about how it is: We take the road less travelled. We come in, negotiate, assess, and advise those around us, having the history of mankind at our disposal, and try our best to stop [mankind] it from taking on the same old arguments, a means to an end and idiots-ville-retorts.

The emergencies are always first, the thing is sometimes entities who devise chaos, seek out diversion tactics, distracting us, appealing to our sense of human dignity, humanity at risk and still try to address the average citizen of worldwide communities.


The thing is: we don't have too many folks who we will rely on to put their troops out there in front with us. Don't tell us that you don't agree with the reasons for war, the approach and the problems it conveys to your community, because we were there for YOU TOO...

The world community knows that we do not tolerate demagogues, so they will advise, offer diplomacy and really complain amongst themselves that they are asked to help clean up the mess' that are commonplace in our world.

You do help out, but nobody really has the ability to handle all that is going on without the help of the international community.


Are we that stupid or are we just largely misunderstood?



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