Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rosemarie’s Smile 2009

'Rosemarie's Smile
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· JACKSON POLLOCK: ONE, NUMBER 31,discussion Introd...

· AmeriPlan USA - 40242321 - go to: http://www.bopl...


· Rosemarie C. Dundon P.O. Box 272, Staten Island...

· http://ballyvalleygirl.blogspot.com/2006/08/httpnews.html

· http://ballyvalleygirl.blogspot.com/2006/08/httpnews_14.html

· My heart was fashioned before the sea when my mate...

· Believe in me, and not all you see. ...

· At Last Before noon, in times of gloom, tell me w...

· Serendipity: From childhood to Old Age I've been w...

· Gladly I welcome you! In love is where we belong.....

· Living, Giving, Grieving and Believing….Rejoice! ...

· And you, You've made me alive again Thanks to you,...

· Lions, Tigers and Bears: O have I given you aw...

· Life is Good! Life's been good. ...

· http://ballyvalleygirl.blogspot.com/2006/08/httpador_13.html

· http://ballyvalleygirl.blogspot.com/2006/08/httpador.html



This is a paragraph of text that could go in the sidebar.
Monday, August 21, 2006
JACKSON POLLOCK: ONE, NUMBER 31,discussion Introduction to Art & Music Paper, Created April 1998, for "ACE 04"MTProf. B. Percival, Queens College, Flushing, NYForgive me if this seems uniformed; I believe discussion from everyone, even the casual observer is meaningful too; at least I hope so; also note: I was thirty-two when I wrote this paper!!!!) I have no MFA or formal arts education Please send sase if you wish a copy of the "attachments" mentioned."The purpose of this report is to discuss at length the intricacies of One, Number 31, by Jackson Pollock; we will take a peek at the the artist's life, and postulate about what went on in his head while painting or what drove him and inspired him. We will focus on one piece, One Number 31, stated above. The piece is an abstract expression with surreal quality to it. If you look long enough, like I did, you will begin to see figurines in the painting; these figurines happened or came about, spontaneously and quite unconsciously, developed in "action painting." (The Web Museum).I have b been moved by Number 31. It's powerful, unconscious, free...uninhibited. I've spent a lot of time in front of it, just staring. I was struck by the movement about in the piece. I followed the movement of line around and around; I was wondering how long it took to finish such an enormous project, and what went through the artist's mind. Were, what I would later learn were "rhythms", premeditated at all, and what kind of mood was the artist in when he painted the piece? Somehow I thought that abstractions should be limited to medium-size canvas that they were like aliens in a foreign country. I thought that you had to be representational to use up so much space! Form, we know, is best defined as: "The physical appearance of a work. Its materials, style and composition. (Any identifiable shape or mass as a geometric form.") (Gilbert, 545). First, approach the piece and stand dead center at eight to ten feet, or sit on the left bench, like I did. Going by the above definition, we approach the painting, One, Number 31, Oil and Enamel paint on unprimed canvas sized at 8' x 10" x 17'5 5/8," (as seen at the "MOMA", Museum of Modern Art, thanks to Sidney and Harriet Jans collection Fund, by exchange). The painting can be discussed for its confusion and commotion, (alone), but I call the use of line its "swirling masses."The painting, strange as it may seem at first glance is balanced, perfectly, I might add. There is consistency in the use of colors throughout; all the colors involved are used all over the painting; with the exception of olive green, which is mainly used in the upper left hand portion of the painting to be discussed later herein. The only subject I can surmise is the condition of chaos. This painting even borders on violence. After I wrote that, I found a quote from Elaine De Koonig, apparently agreed with me, and expressed herself much better that I. She said, "Jackson Pollock's new abstractions, violent (emphasis added), in drawing and in application, hue, complex, luminous networks...give an impression of being frozen in position. His flying lines are spattered on in intense, unmixed colors to create wiry, sculptural construction, which stand immobile and apart, uninvolved with the backgrounds. (Friendman 129).The composition is an abstract expression, but more interestingly, it has surreal-expressions within it. Surrealism is defined in two ways: One, "...dedicated to expressing the imagination as revealed in dreams, free of conscious control of reason and convention. (Encyclopedia.com); two, "...emphasizing imagery from dreams and fantasies as well as an intuitive spontaneous method recording such imagery." (Gilbert, 54).We know that who the artist is, is just as important as what the piece is, what is says, what it doesn't (suggest). This I believe is the best place for the artist's "BIO", because we now need to open the door to the artist's life, we need to explore the goings in and the comings out, because these are often reflected or injected into an artist's work. My impression was that somehow Jackson Pollock was always searching for something...reaching for the out limits of existence. Jackson (Paul) Pollock was born on a sheep ranch in 1912 in Cody, Wyoming, the youngest of five boys. (Gilbert 35). We know that he got his education at Riverside HS, where he met Reuben Kadish, whom he had intermittent contact with for the rest of his life. Later, he moved to Los Angeles and enrolled in the Manual Arts HS. There he met two artists: Philip Guston and Manuel Tolegian, whom he also continued to have contact with for the rest of his life also. He has a long relationship with one of his art teachers, named Frederick Schwanowsky, who introduced him to Far Eastern religions. These seem to have influenced his artwork. (Friedman 9, 10). I also read that Pollock had come from a Presbyterian background. Conversely, Schwanowsky was mainly involved in Buddhism and the contemporary teachings of Krishnamurti, who gave "campfire addresses."In a message from "The Search," he said, "I have painted my picture on the canvas, and I want you to examine it critically, not blindly. I want you to create because of that picture a new picture of yourself. I want you to fall in love with the picture, not with the painter, to fall in love with The Truth and not with him who brings The Truth. Fall in love with yourself and then you will fall in love with everyone." (Friendman, 9, 10).Pollock began drinking, and developed alcoholism at age fifteen; he would suffer from this condition for the rest of his life. (Gilbert, 35). "......there were few people who were even able to talk about his art." (Gilbert 35). In his biography, The Third Revised Edition, 1968, Benton speaks about Pollock's complex personality. He says that "Jack" was a frequent and long staying visitor at the Benton's place in Martha's Vineyard, but never spoke nor rarely drank at these gatherings. Conversely, at parties in New York he was like a different person......." (Friedman, 26, 27). "Lee's doctor suggested tranquilizers for Pollock who took them irregularly as needed. It is reflected in One Number 31 and Lavender Mist. Ironically these paintings are less violently lyrical....relaxed...calm....even sublime. (IFriedman, 127).He began to study painting in 1929 at The Arts Student's League in New York City, under the regionalist painter, Thomas Hart Benton. (Web Museum). He was influenced by certain aspects of surrealism. His earlier paintings are in realistic style, I.E., "She Wolf". In 1947 he emerged with a completely abstract style "Drip and Splash," (after working for The Federal Art Project for a period of five years, ('38-42).During the 1950's Pollock continued to produce works that were both figurative and quasi-figurative, black and white with rich impasto. Some more progressive critics strongly supported him, but others weren't as kind. He was once called, "Jack The Dripper," by a 1956 Time Magazine article (Internet), "...the popular audience expected it's art to be as illustrative, topical and immediate as the day's big-city newspaper photograph. Many of the American artists who satisfied these requirements were excellent draftsmen, and even powerful painter, but, obviously, within this context, not one was an originator or esthetic revolutionary; not one changed the history of art as had the Impressionists' Post Impressionists', Faves, and Cubists'." (Friendman, 17).In the book, The Modern Master's Series, "Jackson Pollock, Vol.3, Pollock was asked, "Mr. Pollock, the classical artist has a world to express and they did so by representing the objects in that world. Why doesn't the modern artist do the same thing?" He responded, "The modern artist it seems to me is working at expressing an inner world--in other words--expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces." Later, in a response to another question he replied, (something to the effect, ) that exact images are now readily available with a the camera, and inferred that artist's have now moved on to recording new venues and images; he (even) records images from his head! My first impression was that this painting encompasses the contact between the conscious thought as seen in representational work, and the unconscious - the abstract expressionism and the surrealist. Think of yourself as being suddenly catapulted into the alcoholic stage of the artist. (There is a great deal of emotive power in Number 31, and I indicated earlier). There are two things however, that are of particular interest to me. Namely, colors/combinations of colors, and the objects that can be seen by looking long and hard at the piece. I believe this is his own depiction of his unconscious mind (at work on the canvas), or it could just be an evening in the forest without his glasses on... (that is not speaking about alcoholism, only imagination).Today, at 40, I think perhaps these images are things that meant something to me, or perhaps something he and I had in common. Maybe I projected these images onto his painting, but for discourses' sake, lets continue...with all due respect to Mr. Pollock, his great talent and legacy).As discussed above, Jackson Pollock's consciousness (emanated symbolism) onto the canvas; these images themselves can be totally subjective in nature. However, choices of color are generally more directly implicit of something that could be going on with the artist themselves. Most of us make general associations with certain colors. For instance red reminds of love, passion and even St. Valentine's Day; similarly, we associate green with fruitfulness, spring, money and St. Patrick's Day. In the background we have beige and brown, (which I now, in 2006 believe), represented the basics and the vicissitudes of life. Forward from beige and brown, we find forest green, symbolizing fertility, growth and perhaps, fulfillment. Further forward of green are grey and black in the foreground. these present obscurity, remorse and even seduction or uncertainty; all of these are elements of life's own experiences. Consider for a moment the horror, grief and uncertainty of living your youth in "The Great Depression Era." Note the constancy of the circling paint in black, notably in the forefront, suggesting death, even fear of the unknown, or the appeal of sex, perhaps...& C.I'd like to discuss cream beige lastly, because it is in the foreground and is quite possibly the most significant of all. Cream beige in the foreground signifies a tainted view of reality through a bottle; (I know quite a few alcoholics, and hope never to become one myself); the swimming about within it that releases a fierce creative energy. Lots of things can be said, not with great certainty, but it is fun to explore the possibilities (of what fueled his creativity).The following are the images that give the painting a surreal-quality, (in my opinion only), probably unique to this viewer, as I've said. Starting in the lower right hand corner you might see the small face of a baby raccoon in black, white and grey, (see attachment #1); next, move three feet left and you will see a rabbit in cream beige; the ears in and of themselves in particular, are two (very) "painterly" lines upwards, (see attachment #2). Four feet above the rabbit, in black (in outline only (you might see a fist, including shirtsleeve and elbow too. (I haven't seen the painting since, and this sounds a little strange to me now, but humor me, look...OK?) (See attachment #3). Next, direct your eyes to dead center in the composition and you might see a mushroom of all things! The top of it is outlined in cream beige, like a parabola. From left to right, the bottom of the head of the mushroom is all black: until you reach a big splotch of black; then you have the right portion which is a very squiggly dissipating line of cream beige. Next you might see the stem, or base of the mushroom, which is a composite shaped mainly by cream beige and black, (see attachment #4); next object, attachment # 6: (I do remember this one, unlike the rest), you might see an outline of a pregnant woman extending about six to seven feet upward from the base of the painting; below the woman you might see, separated from the woman, I note, a person leaning into the composition, a figure, (attachment #7) who seems to be reaching for something. Last of all and very cute indeed is a bear cub superimposed on the person "leaning in."You may have guessed that I thoroughly enjoyed One, Number 31, each time I've seen it. When you go to the museum see my attachments, (this was my note within the essay), which tell you more precisely where these objects, mentioned above are. One, Number 31 is in room 22, or it was, back in April of '98; it was not too far from Debuffit's "Childbirth" shown in our textbook (for this introductory course in Art). (Remember reader: These are uneducated opinions which are meant to get people to go take another look, or to look for the first time at a great work, One Number 31, by Jackson Pollock).I think I have sufficiently explained the intricacies of the painting, and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. You might be interested to know that in an interview in The New Yorker, "Talk of the Town," Pollock and wife, Lee Krasner, attempted to explain why he gave his paintings numbered titles. Lee said, "Numbers are neutral. They make people look at the picture for what it is - pure painting;" Pollock himself added, "I decided to stop adding to the confusion...abstract painting is abstract it confronts you." (Friedman, 75).Many thanks Prof. Percival, if it is Dr. Percival, I apologize for the indiscretion. To the Pollock family: I emphasize that I wanted to draw attention to the work, as he did, and not to his simple human condition, flawed, like the rest of us; unfortunately flawed in the public eye. God bless you Mr. Pollock. IF I FIND THE IMAGE I WILL POST IT HERE TOO; IF I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW! PS: Whoever you are, if you do go to see it: look for moods, feelings and images!
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
11:47 PM

AmeriPlan USA - 40242321 - go to: http://www.boplus.com/40242321 orhttp://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40242321 or http://www.trymybiz.com/40242321
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
11:14 PM

posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
9:44 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Rosemarie C. Dundon
P.O. Box 272, Staten Island, N.Y. USA

Phones: (718) 981-4312/(718) 668-8058
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile 8:31 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006


Biographical Information: The last and youngest of five children, Richard, Jr., Regina, Ronald, Robert and herself, the progeny of Richard Vincent and Rita Mary Ann (Finn) Dundon, whom married the 8th of September 1956 and received their long awaited first son on April 1, 1958. She was educated largely in Parochial School(s), City University, "On the Job Training" and The Instruction of her many "Teachers" and Teachers along the way. Married by 21, Divorced, Separated and renewed in spirit, she has many unknown and estranged relatives, friends like family, and employment like a spa, serendipity.
"With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to The Lord; and in the midst of many I will praise Him,
For he stands at the right hand of the needy.
To save him from those who judge his soul." Psalm: 109, 30-31
Personal Interests: Art/Artifacts, Painting, Music/Lyricism/Singing, Writing, Walking, Dancing, and Psychiatry.
Other Objectives
To seek, approach and challenge myself in positions which best utilize my strengths and skills, and to attain goals.
On-going Projects: An Invention, songs, poetry, a small business, a degree in psychiatry while working in social services.
Current Projects: I am Promoting:
My Answer to The Song of Solomon, "My Star,"
through a record label called: Amerecord
"MY Star:"
You've shown me the best of me.
Ill never go far.
You've shown me all I can be.
You are my star.
It was you there when no one else was.
You are my life, my love, my liberty. You made me see what love was.
It was you there, just because.
You are the light that makes my eyes shine.
There is no sleep for me; there is only reverie of you and me.
You've shown me love so sweet.
My sun, my moon, my earth and sky, you are the reason I live, the reason I die!
It was you there like soft rain on my face; a timeless love nothing can erase.
You are my hero, my mystery, my tragedy.
You are my star.
I'll never go far.
You've shown me a life complete.
It was you there, wielding the power of the wind, blowing in love again.
I'll always be around, wherever you are. So let no man put asunder.
It was you there life high tide, crashing into my hips like thunder.
You are my light in darkness, shelter from the cold, refuge from life's storm, and my place to go when I get old.
Whatever you are, your name is always on my lips.
You've shown me a warm place off the street.
You are all the things that make the norm.
Everywhere, far and wide, on the shore or in the sky, all you are, and all you do, are new to me, for I am true to you.
So be my hero, and I'll be true. We will have a love forever new of the unselfish kind.
A refuge for my sake, where I'm taken to a new place to bury my sorrow and disgrace,
You clear my mind.
You are my star and I'll never go far, wherever you are.
You are my strength at length – day – long; my star at night and light of day; you are the light that makes my eyes shine; Oh how happy I am you are mine.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile 2:38 AM



Biographical Information: The last and youngest of five children, Richard, Jr., Regina, Ronald, Robert and herself, the progeny of Richard Vincent and Rita Mary Ann (Finn) Dundon, whom married the 8th of September 1956 and received their long awaited first son on April 1, 1958. She was educated largely in Parochial School(s), City University, "On the Job Training" and The Instruction of her many "Teachers" and Teachers along the way. Married by 21, Divorced, Separated and renewed in spirit, she has many unknown and estranged relatives, friends like family, and employment like a spa, serendipity.
"With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to The Lord; and in the midst of many I will praise Him,
For he stands at the right hand of the needy.
To save him from those who judge his soul." Psalm: 109, 30-31
Personal Interests: Art/Artifacts, Painting, Music/Lyricism/Singing, Writing, Walking, Dancing, and Psychiatry.
Other Objectives
To seek, approach and challenge myself in positions which best utilize my strengths and skills, and to attain goals.
On-going Projects: An Invention, songs, poetry, a small business, a degree in psychiatry while working in social services.
Current Projects: I am Promoting:
My Answer to The Song of Solomon, "My Star,"
through a record label called: Amerecord
"MY Star:"
You've shown me the best of me.
Ill never go far.
You've shown me all I can be.
You are my star.
It was you there when no one else was.
You are my life, my love, my liberty. You made me see what love was.
It was you there, just because.
You are the light that makes my eyes shine.
There is no sleep for me; there is only reverie of you and me.
You've shown me love so sweet.
My sun, my moon, my earth and sky, you are the reason I live, the reason I die!
It was you there like soft rain on my face; a timeless love nothing can erase.
You are my hero, my mystery, my tragedy.
You are my star.
I'll never go far.
You've shown me a life complete.
It was you there, wielding the power of the wind, blowing in love again.
I'll always be around, wherever you are. So let no man put asunder.
It was you there life high tide, crashing into my hips like thunder.
You are my light in darkness, shelter from the cold, refuge from life's storm, and my place to go when I get old.
Whatever you are, your name is always on my lips.
You've shown me a warm place off the street.
You are all the things that make the norm.
Everywhere, far and wide, on the shore or in the sky, all you are, and all you do, are new to me, for I am true to you.
So be my hero, and I'll be true. We will have a love forever new of the unselfish kind.
A refuge for my sake, where I'm taken to a new place to bury my sorrow and disgrace,
You clear my mind.
You are my star and I'll never go far, wherever you are.
You are my strength at length – day – long; my star at night and light of day; you are the light that makes my eyes shine; Oh how happy I am you are mine.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile 2:38 AM

My heart was fashioned before the sea when my mate was made for me. [51] You could be he, my destiny. My life's a reflection of what can be.
I believe in what is and can be. I believe in more than eyes can see. In reality, I can't see too well; 'got wrinkles besides.
I dance like a monkey, but I'm a horse [52]. "Can't live too fast; 'won't go the course, but as long as we are in the skin, and there's a fire that burns within, there is all the more to do, to be, to love and to see. 'Don't drink'; 'don't smoke and I keep it kind of lean. Yes, I'm the best, and the worst, you've seen.
*Portions of my work "The Flowering Age" (#'s) Indicate annotations for bibliography being prepared for the narrative itself; these are references to ideas that are NOT mine; the same are just thoughts that have inspired me to write and reflect.
OH! So walk like a chicken and swing like a gypsy, but act like a nun, because, no matter who knows who, nor what they do, life is largely a joke told to or about you. In order to know which you must know wisdom well [53]. You decide which it is. Wisdom says, "Don't fall victim to these days." So, fear is the enemy [54], and is whatever enmity lies between you and me and all humanity, and dreams all the more encompassing, begin in nothingness, and we should pursue nothing less; "out of the many, one."[55]
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:34 AM

Believe in me, and not all you see. Believe what I say is true, believing I love you.
Believe who I am. Believe where I stand; believing it's all or it's not.
Believe there are no masters. Believe you and I are free; believing in possibility.
Believe sooner, not later. Believe to witness
is to receive; believing never give up, never stop.
Believe what is out of hand.
Believe we are not deceived; believing expound the virtues of The One [56]: Truth and Faithfulness.
(Note: This poem is of particular sentiment to me. At one of my lowest moments, it was the only poem I took with me when I left home for a long hospital stay).
Annotated in The Flowering Age Copyright 1998-2005.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:32 AM

At Last
Before noon, in times of gloom, tell me we are not to doom! Behind a shadow I saw you hiding, and came to you with many a good tiding, but under to moon, did I hold you too soon? At last long listening lasses are not making asses of themselves while having their say on the condition of their day. So do you laugh in the face of fate with your eyes of stone? Tell me, can you come out and play? There's so much to more to behold. Don't be held back. Admit what you are and what you lack. Love, laughter and listening make perfection of affection, and bring joy and faith! These are the ingredients for friendship, a firmament, foundation, and merriment while being our strength against discontent. Kill the rodent, pat the baby, for soon and once your an old lady. Put simply, live to loveand love to live. Learn to forgive.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:29 AM

Serendipity: From childhood to Old Age I've been watching you, and you've been watching me. You can take me to the movies, or you can take me to a show, or some other place to go, but wherever you take me, get me home before dark. Look into my eyes; do you see someone standing there? Right now it's my father, and he's not going anywhere! Serendipity, are you my destiny? My heart was fashioned before the sea. This was when my mate was made for me. My spirit cries out loud with sounds of joy; you are my gift. I've been endowed. Come unto my ears and speak into my soul. Invite me to intimacy. Show me you care; tell me you'll always be there. Here we have more than eyes can see serendipity. At last Athena loves Hermes. He has already me "Alice in Wonderland," and perhaps there are some things he'll never understand. Princes speak about her, and this she should know, but all she wants to know is where the frog is. The world has been overcome! She has arrived and he has fallen out of the sky. One was made for the other. We agree its in love where we must be. We know the ingredients for friendship, a firmament, foundation and merriment while being our strength against discontent. We should never boast, but instead offer inspiration of what seems so easy by sight, but is the work of the faithful and sorrow's ruin. You have taken me to a new place to bury my sorrow and disgrace. At last, love, laughter, and listening makes perfection of affection. At last, long listening lasses are not making asses of themselves while having their say on the condition of their day. However long our story is told, while we young or while we're old, we must live And never get old, because you'll never be bought, and you'll never be sold. A lightset high upon the mount cannot be concealed, we illuminate the darkness. I used to love to watch the nights on 107thavenue, see the fights, watch the lights, and the people going through, that is, until I started watching you. I had so to stare with wonder – to see if there was substance under; I knew not how to devise plan for this enterprise, but I felt behooved to inquire, about the man I so had desire. I wished he'd be a wise and reverent soul, accustomed to the frailty and strength of womanhood, admiring her for all that is good. In the night light he seemed so pale, not of color, but of veil. I looked, and listened from afar, so see if he would go far. He fought, he drank, and he tossed his head. It was then that I thought all hope was dead. To me this night was different, because he was so dissident, meaning he was so detached from the main, that my opinion I did refrain. In that moment I closed my eyes, and listened keen to his guise. He was not the loudest or the most gregarious; instead he was talkative, speculative and hilarious. This is youth and this is limbo, because he approached some bimbo. All at once I laughed so loud, he turned to me out of the crowd. My friends were there and we were all cursed with beauty and love wont disperse, but how lovely we are in-depth and breath, so seek true love and conquer death. We together rose from the fold, to rebuke those who wish to unfold. Instead of advice, we offered rebuke more like vomit than reproof. They together, with bat and ball, were running around, having a brawl. The answer was:"Be still and hold fast; none of this night will pass." Some hours more sober, some reappeared, looking satiated, it seemed clear. And then it was we yelled at bitched to one another and that entire ditch. Now we had our time, while they would remember the good for the one, the many for the one, no nonsense, just innocent fun. So we spoke of boyfriends and that yoke. We laughed at them, like they were a joke. At once they stood together, pride we did evoke, and they called to us about what we spoke. It is in metered mercy we all cave to and love for two. How hard it was to fight the five o'clock shadow like a razor's edge, but each recited his pledge and in another time would go with these to The Stone Henge.Maybe you might have wished before to be burned, but since you were in life, your dish was served. All revealed, good and less-good, you laugh together in the neighborhood. It is with joy you sing today's beautiful ballad, and eat and drink too at the gala.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:18 AM

Gladly I welcome you! In love is where we belong...you in my tree smiling at me. There is so much of me you do not see, yet how much more I want to invite you and feed you the moon. There are no barriers to love. The loves that end are not based on being a friend; instead there based on a means to an end. True to you, stunned by eyes of blue, you are someone I admire, even when you walk in the mire. There is so much to see in this world of ours clandestine, but not forever foreboding. This is a love without chores. This is a love that overcomes the past. You deserve to be adored day by day more and more. It's a smile at every turn. It's Christmas daily; Hanukah every night. It's the light The Lord keeps burning a free gift you won't be returning. With great trembling and shaking, wont of no desire, we're never consumed, only warmed by the fire. Rosemarie Columban Dundon
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:15 AM

Living, Giving, Grieving and Believing….Rejoice!
Oh day of sorrows Head down not w/ shame w/ horrors
Live and you trust.
Some will call you naive and they will leave, Give, you must.
They say go while your young have not regrets, but if unable to smile where is there to go?
Joy! You have Victory! To have truly been in love, accepted or rejected you are alive, there need not be more.
A broken heart is better than none at all; or one that lies sleeping for all it's time, never speaking apart from thine?
You'll have your time capsules your moments of rapture, memories others never dare to create. Woe and mishap, you must accept that but given the choice what else is there than that? (Laugh at yourself before anyone else!)
Last of all I saw some laughter too late, too long after.
The strongest are the weakest.
And the weakest are the strongest.
Have your happiness and your house on the hill. I wish you well, even still.
You are not indebted, none is regretted…
When the time was right I took flight; I always knew my time was mine, and gave it freely, because of what you meant to me, sincerely. So with this foresight I left with no regret and no guilt, saying: "You've graduated!"
'Good Luck in your next life!' And if you feel that all you've taken and used are your recompense, I hope it brings you solace and have no malice.
Perhaps you thought the past would go away too. I remember the hungry girl in the A$2.00 shirt and the plastic coat. Never mind that!
By some gyrations of fate, we are both in the best possible places; and that girl flies to LA to shop on Rodeo Drive, or back and forth to New York – Fashion Central! We have found our definitions of being alive and learning to survive. I love you still.
It's just I really wish people knew what you say about them when there not around too. Your already told me most of what you thing of me. I can live with all that. Be good to yourself.
Love, Love, Love….
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:10 AM

And you, You've made me alive again Thanks to you, friend.
What had died is again revived.
Thank you again!
I'm so glad to know you.
You are so special too. I will love you until the end. You took the time to know me. To grow w/ me you shook me and mine.
Oh, me oh my, you are a special sweet guy.
I can t forget the past, but I have learned that love can last. My love for you I cannot get past. I'd be so sad if you didn't love me too. Do you? Is it all a "Ruise," or is that just what you wish my name to be? If not, go, do.
I've got someone waiting for me. I can think, but I know I can feel free and I've got plenty. I am back from none. Free to love and love you only, endlessly, as far and as wide as eyes can see, or we can go. This we know. Like smoke and fire wind and there rain over and over again and again. We are where we belong this right from wrong about all that came along before.
Oh a promise, a name, a ring, then vow, and the wedding and then everything! Oh love, do not fool me again. If I am the fool, let the fool meet me where I am. This is the only rule. My heart is in your hand. It isn't a tool. So for love and a promise we go on, when girls look for Diamonds, Grandmas got none! She married at 40 and for 22 was miserable, but honorable and true. He died, 'else they d b e together still. Older he was ov'r the hill.
You were my diamond with a band of gold; yours was a "Star of David."
Beautiful is the look you see pure and sweet. Can I give you something complete?
So much to give nothing needed. Oh how we have everything and the world would be recreated. Don't you go tonight, say nothing hold tight Its late, but never for us. At sunrise you go your way and Ill go mine. Tomorrow is too far from today. Just innocent fun is on the way alright… Say it all, it does have to sound right. When you say what you do, I see the tears in your eyes and the smile from side to side. I have no fear this is not a ride. Sorrow, the furthest form my mind.
Do you have night dreams of me too?
Waking wondering how I do w/o you?
You say I need therapy, but I say one happy day after day will do, nicely.
Be gentle and be sweet, like you are when you greet. You are not a pigeon in the park; fed by the "Kindness of strangers" You are grown and known to be capable, kind, not akin to being alone. Its time to make your own home.
Our vows were smiled upon and blessed, as we professed a promise to give each other a life as husband and wife. Down from Adam and Eve this is true life, virtue, dignity and respect.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
2:03 AM

Lions, Tigers and Bears:
O have I given you away or is this the time to give way? For your own good, I offered you away, for relief, for love you needed, but I could not supply this day. Oh unhappy day. Love I still see coming in all around you when you do, but anger fills your heart; a pain is in your eyes and nervous chattering are your teeth. No relief, Even so w/ your plump lips you offer with kindness, I digress!! ANGELS WISH US WELL. SOME I HAVE ASKED TO COMFORT YOU IN YOUR TIME OF A HEART-UNWELL, confusion, a retreat into hell…..
We have differences and opinions, desperation and angst, yet we stay anchored to each other, not far from the shore.
Jump I say there is more in store, swim w/ me to a place unknown.
Sea erchants and sharks and creatures of the sea, we will be learning to fish, rolling in the sand, watching before the tide comes at hand.
Opinion is an entitlement, freedom to go is inherent, but if we go together we will be well spent.
Our differences are ironic. You being man, logical and practical, and I reasonable, but unpredictable.
When the moon grows full, and the sky is blazing blue a new light will show us the way. Be it a tent, a rent, or some squalor of discontent; treasure me, as you hate yourself for what you cannot do.
No worry! No worry!
Perseverance provides!
We'll travel to a new place, hand in hand, face to face.
And when the children come, at least one, may they be as a father's son.
Oh the joy to build our life. More so then to whom it's given, rarely do we live a real life. And so it goes prosperity is it's own trophy, better than a privilege, not that we would mind either, terribly.
Come let's explore a world better than those who choose to do little, more than breathe. Choose to adore, neither can leave.
Our job, as a world community is to free, assist and educate those less fortunate, whosoever of us, to build up these in us is altruism. This is the evolution of the human world.
Friends are those to whom our words, actions and concerns all seem coherent, those whose love is perseverant, those who dwell with us at the bottom of the well and at the top dell.
An insincere friend is one who isn't 'roundabout in need, invaluable indeed and not very interested in what does not leave him w/o a need.
From this you will learn from this jovial, sorrowful, idealistic message.
Oh! Watch, listen and be what is said here. Hear the choices of words, and what the body language is. Then ask yourself, Do you hear it? Love or Disdain?
Someday he'll arrive, my prince for whom I survive. My hope is not diminished. My youth is not yet finished. I keep the faith and wait patiently for the one for me.
Some day they say he may or he may not arrive. Don't wait they tell me, be alive!
Say: "Oh there is joy in knowing he is on the way" as there are so many who admire, but do not ignite the fire. I am not a liar! They come for a word or just a dance, but since not the one – they have no chance.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
1:50 AM

Life is Good! Life's been good. Life's been kind. Life's made me unwind. Lost and broken in despair Oh The Lord was always there. Angels abound, Angels Abound 'roundabout in adversity. I called out. I called out. I called out and He answered me. He held my hand and led me home. Oh, my cup has over flown!! Oh the joy of his faithfulness, of My Lord, I confess; endless love and kindness, forgiveness. Well deserving of reverence, due. Slow to anger not angry forever. May all come to see, how people like me, have come to know you and your beauty? Trust in The Lord and He'll break the cord.Oh Israel, He is calling you. Come and rejoice w/a joyful voice, Come and rejoice w/ a joyful voice; by free will, by choice. Come one come all to the cross! Bend every knee. Let every tongue confess: unconditional Love and Kindness, nothing less.Oh mount Sinai, Moses said," Who sent I?" and The Lord said 'I am.' At the crucifixion, The Lord gave his benediction - They said are you the Messiah; he said, you say 'I am.'He was giving a command, he said, 'I AM.'He paid the ransom due, so I could be free. He has prepared a place for me, in eternity. The ultimate sacrifice, Lamb of God, the only one who would suffice. By his blood I've been redeemed. I know that I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever and ever. He has set me free He has shown me mercy. Ever loving kindness, Endless love, unconditional and limitless. Keep us free from anxiety, help us attain piety.Oh Lord, Oh Lord, God is w/ us….Emanuel, God is w/ us…Amen Amen Amen Alleluia…Amen!!
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
1:46 AM

Sunday, August 13, 2006
http://ador.ro/lucrari/lucrari/Categ.%20C%20-%20Cupid.jpghttp://ador.ro/lucrari/lucrari/Categ.%20C%20-%20Cupid.jpgTo my dear friend, Mattie on her 25th birthday. God bless you, Mattie: Dear Mattie: I wrote this for you for your birthday.
Friends are like resources that never deplete.
Friends are like flying sorcers that never forget
their way...friends are like sunshine, lighting the
Friends are like cheerleaders and traffic cops, on one
hand, they don't shut up for you, and the other never
stop shutting up for you. A friend's ears and mouth
are like revolving doors and safety vaults, never at
Friends know when to stay out of the way.
Friends know what to and not to say.
Friends are like trees, their roots firmly planted.
Friends will never leave you empty handed.
Friends provide kindness when they can even when it
leaves them branded.
Friends are absent when needed, should be heeded when
needed and state the truth rather than leave you
robbed of reality. This too, tells you what you mean
to them, you see??
Friends are those who know they don't need an
invitation, and friends are those who help you face
initiations, gyrations, machinations, joys, sorrows,
and happy days; in many ways, friends are those who
will be the last to say "Goodbye" and the first to
say, "Get out."
Friends can be gentle, friends can be tough, friends
can be factual, and that can be rough.
The best thing about friends is that that can be.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
11:04 PM

http://ador.ro/lucrari/lucrari/Categ.%20C%20-%20Cupid.jpghttp://ador.ro/lucrari/lucrari/Categ.%20C%20-%20Cupid.jpgTo my dear friend, Mattie on her 25th birthday. God bless you, Mattie:Dear Mattie: I wrote this for you for your birthday.
Friends are like resources that never deplete.
Friends are like flying sorcers that never forget
their way...friends are like sunshine, lighting the
Friends are like cheerleaders and traffic cops, on one
hand, they don't shut up for you, and the other never
stop shutting up for you. A friend's ears and mouth
are like revolving doors and safety vaults, never at
Friends know when to stay out of the way.
Friends know what to and not to say.
Friends are like trees, their roots firmly planted.
Friends will never leave you empty handed.
Friends provide kindness when they can even when it
leaves them branded.
Friends are absent when needed, should be heeded when
needed and state the truth rather than leave you
robbed of reality. This too, tells you what you mean
to them, you see??
Friends are those who know they don't need an
invitation, and friends are those who help you face
initiations, gyrations, machinations, joys, sorrows,
and happy days; in many ways, friends are those who
will be the last to say "Goodbye" and the first to
say, "Get out."
Friends can be gentle, friends can be tough, friends
can be factual, and that can be rough.
The best thing about friends is that that can be.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
11:04 PM

ADDITIONAL INTERESTING SITES FOR ONE AND ALL....http://www.livejournal.comhttp://www.poetry.comhttp://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40242321http://www.trymybiz.com/dundonhttp://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/general/dailyoverview/taurushttp://e.my.yahoo.com/config/my_init?.intl=ca&.partner=my&.from=ihttp://news.bbc.co.uk/http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/art/artarc/nycart.html Biographical Information: The last and youngest of five children, Richard, Jr., Regina, Ronald, Robert and herself, the progeny of Richard Vincent and Rita Mary Ann (Finn) Dundon, whom married the 8th of September 1956 and received their long awaited first son on April 1, 1958. She was educated largely in Parochial School(s), City University, "On the Job Training" and The Instruction of her many "Teachers" and Teachers along the way. Married by 21, Divorced, Separated and renewed in spirit, she has many unknown and estranged relatives, friends like family, and employment like a spa, serendipity."With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to The Lord; and in the midst of many I will praise Him, For he stands at the right hand of the needy. To save him from those who judge his soul." Psalm: 109, 30-31Personal Interests: Art/Artifacts, Painting, Music/Lyricism/Singing, Writing, Walking, Dancing, and Psychiatry. OTHER OBJECTIVES To seek, approach and challenge myself in positions which best utilize my strengths and skills, and to attain goals. On-going Projects: An Invention, songs, poetry, a small business, a degree in psychiatry while working in social services. Current Projects: I am Promoting: My Answer to The Song of Solomon, "My Star," through a record label called: Amerecord "MY Star:"You've shown me the best of me. Ill never go far. You've shown me all I can be. You are my star. It was you there when no one else was. You are my life, my love, my liberty. You made me see what love was. It was you there, just because. You are the light that makes my eyes shine. There is no sleep for me, there is only reverie of you and me. You've shown me love so sweet. My sun, my moon, my earth and sky, you are the reason I live, the reason I die! It was you there like soft rain on my face; a timeless love nothing can erase. You are my hero, my mystery, my tragedy. You are my star. I'll never go far. You've shown me a life complete. It was you there, wielding the power of the wind, blowing in love again. I'll always be around, wherever you are. So let no man put asunder. It was you there life high tide, crashing into my hips like thunder. You are my light in darkness, shelter from the cold, refuge from life's storm, and my place to go when I get old. Whatever you are, your name is always on my lips. You've shown me a warm place off the street. You are all the things that make the norm. Everywhere, far and wide, on the shore or in the sky, all you are, and all you do, are new to me, for I am true to you. So be my hero, and I'll be true. We will have a love forever new of the unselfish kind. A refuge for my sake, where I'm taken to a new place to bury my sorrow and disgrace, You clear my mind. You are my star and I'll never go far, wherever you are. You are my strength at length – day – long; my star at night and light of day; you are the light that makes my eyes shine; Oh how happy I am you are mine.
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
10:35 PM

THE FLOWER OF ONE'S AGE (IN PROGRESS)Contents by: Rosemarie C. Dundon, Artist, Writer and Enthusiast Favorite Links: Contact Information: Tel. #: 1-(718)

273-1817, Mail: 700 Bay Street, Stapleton, Staten Island, NY 10304-3808 USA.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: An education, support network, encouragement and favors: a system that provided the best environment for learning and development, to which I am deeply indebted and unable to ever nearly repay, in the past, paid little attention to at the time, and never appreciated, until now. Thank you to my many Teachers, most of all My Parents, Siblings, and Friends – past and present, Mrs. Jenkins, Sr. Theresa Toth, Mrs. Glenn, Mrs. Kiernan, Miss Botaglia, Maura Candella, Edward Seidlinger and Sr. Mary Jane for saving the fledgling student, "Rosie Redbomb." (Beyond grade school "magic" happened and so did many things good and not so good, but to all of you, whose names ARE NOT mentioned, I say: "They'll ask, ('what about your OTHER Teachers?') and I'll be prepared with a list, so Don't worry!!!!"Work Information: The Baltic Street Mental Health Board Inc., Staten Island Peer Advocacy Center, SBPC, SI, N.Y., Baltic Street Mental Health Board, Inc. is a consumer-run mental health organization that assists individuals who are in recovery from mental illness to achieve successful and satisfying lives in their communities. By offering a comprehensive array of programs and services, "Baltic Street" helps people obtain jobs, housing, social supports, education, vocational training, health benefits, financial entitlements, and other community services that greatly enhance their quality of life. Baltic Street Mental Health Board is dedicated to empowerment and full community inclusion for the recipient of mental health services, by decreasing the stigma and alienation often experienced by persons with mental health labels. Therefore, a majority of the Agency's Staff and Board of Directors are current or former recipients of mental health services. Favorite Links: http://pjchipkin@aol.comhttp://www.livejournal.comhttp://www.poetry.comhttp://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40242321%
posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
10:29 PM

posted by 'Rosemarie's Smile
7:31 PM

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