Saturday, July 11, 2009

Campaigne Finance Reform

The following is a response to an article elsewhere..


Dear Ms. Butler:


You've got a pretty good synopsis of events. Lobbyists would not have a business at all if campaign finance reform was initiated properly.


Like what? Like scheduling and the restructuring of all air time, (all medias) to be available to all those who govern...who wish to be elected, and have a valuable contribution to make.


Purchasing Air time is unwise in the sense that AIR TIME is already spent, before the segments of news are made.

One would appear online, TV radio and in print and all media, based on the priority of their issue, not based on whether "A sneaker company" likes or dislikes their politics, not based on whether the opinion given it at the short list of things to discuss.


News currently is based on need, interpretation, opinion and finance.

We know, but how much the better our governance if we selected "TODAY'S TOPICS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE, AND DEVOTED TIME TO THE PRESSING ISSUES AT HAND.


In short, tuning into the news should not be a vast array of sound bites, undeveloped debates and smut.


Just deliver to us the News, the Sports, The Weather, Domestic and Foreign policy &C. Just see to it that our priorities in News reflect our Priorities in Governance.


The idea is: Everyone will be heard, once they developed the well informed opinions that are frankly sometimes are hard to come by. Hence, the popular view, by many who say, they just don't watch the news. They believe we are given whatever the great machine deems necessary, important and relevant.




We should hear from Mr. President, The First Lady and our Congress daily.

I know we do, but we end up befuddled with partial scenarios, items that

sway back and forth and the real sense that we have no choice, no need for input and no say - save Election Day.


Those who are at a quandary of what to do about staying in office, would under this (PLAN?) "set of ideas," not worry, need or consult others than their constituencies.


They would answer the call to government, they would govern to the best of their ability and be justified in running for re-election or not..


You know well that it costs too much money, easily it costs millions, just to get your face and platform recognized.


Scheduling the media coverage, providing the proper time-limits to best extrapolate the issues, each in kind, each by each, would not involve "deals"


Deal? No Deal? You're darn right,

"No deal..."


Here we go:


Currently you have to watch several stations, listen to the radio and review on line sources to get a sense of the big picture.


Why? Because money is the issue to get coverage, knowledge of platform positions and successes known.


Why? I don't want to know, and the only things I think that are driving the lobbyists are "DEALS."


Let me digress: News is new. Positions are hopefully sustainable, and we as a great nation maintain the free speech. No problem there....not news...


Scheduling a daily conference with Mr. President, The cabinet and all those involved will stimulate the interest of people who are so turned off that they say, "I don't watch the news. When I want to know the weather I look out the window..."


It makes for a good argument, media already allocates the time it sees fit to politics, but how much more would we participate if we knew, or learned the real making of our policies?


We would, I'd hope make the consumers more patriotic, the economy strong and our relationships around the globe fierce, diligent and diplomatic.


Socioculturally, ethnically and because of our great diversity, we stand to have our greatest strength be our greatest battle: diversity.


Once again,


Monday and Friday: All news out of the Whitehouse, the press coverage of how Mr. President and Staff are proceeding. It is a question-answer, a speak and say and a town hall meeting if you will with our executive branch. TRANSPARENCY.


Tuesday & Wednesday: Senate to present the issues on what is most desired, what would work well and what should and should not be done in government.


Wednesday and Thursday: House of Representatives taking the floor and presenting what they'd like most to be done within the week.


Saturday, Sundays and Holidays: Let me present the scenario:

One in government or in main stream constituency, would request of the media airtime. Airtime for them, airtime for the really important or pressing issues, following developing stories as they unfold, (largely done), but this would now be done better. This idea would be instead of being a way that is currently confusing and perhaps discouraging.


In response, media would grant the request or decline. The coverage is already available; it is just not being managed properly - in my opinion.

How? Well, let's think clearly. For instance, let's say that on Mondays and Fridays, we study peruse and explore the current issues to be worked over for President Obama's office for the week, month and year: MAKE A CONCRETE PLAN.




Ok, so what do I want? Well, transparency at all levels of governance. Please! Don't tell me who my congressman is sleeping with!

As an aside, not only do I not care who he/she is with, I'm listening to the legislation of values at a level that is inappropriate, time consuming and a lesson: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." This is not an attempt to dispense with traditional family values, it is more so that we have so much to do, so little time to do it, and should not spend days, weeks, and a period of years discussing such things, things that are personal, and decimating to the official, their staff and which undermine our entire political system.


No, it is not to say that government officials are exempt, it is merely not news, and whatever the names and places are the scenario is the same.

In fairness, yes, report there is a significant issue of ethics, but no it's not news.


When will we escape the sensationalism of Politics? Why shouldn't we? Well, the sensationalism sells newspapers, makes us believe perhaps that we know our candidate better than we do. It makes these folks accountable, as necessary, but not sustainable. We learn of the issues and we're done with it; we get back to our great experiment, Democracy.


Our time is well spent if people feel they are well informed, have developed a position and make our choices based on the issues, not based on "the tissues: reality."


Media covers all the current events anyway, what more the better if they were to deliver more than what eventually amounts to sound bites, more that shock waves. Yes I believe that if, and because people really want to know "The whole story" the message should be put forward and not just what has leaked out? OKAY?


Again, just start somewhere:

Campaign finance should be eliminated. Lincoln and FDR showed us that campaigning is riding into town, on the train, giving their speech and making their next stop. Where is the old time candidacy, and why don't we best utilize our resources; that's all…it would turn out that all those who support their candidate would be well informed, because they have (the candidate) withstood the scrutiny of selection, appointment and values and ethics; their record would be honorable, upright and free of chaos that is.


For instance....under this plan, suggestion or simply essay, the weeks, months and years from and toward elections would be based on the performance of the candidate, the examination of his/her record and not anything else…


Hypothetically, Tuesday, and Wednesday we would study the news out of the Senate. Wednesday and Thursday we would speak about the House of Representatives.


All issues would be examined more fully, there would be greater discussion, more organization, more discourse and people who refuse to watch the news, would turn-coat and become more well informed more satisfied with the workings of government.


Again, this is the crux of it:


The Whitehouse has the reins, and the congress and city government are working on passing legislation.

Many times, oftentimes, like in the Great Depression, there were bills passed for reform on the basis of the great sense of urgency, the economic collapse of our Marketplace &IC.


In short, it is this writer's effort to say, all we need to do is be organized. Sadly, we can only be as productive as we are mindful, notable and diligent to the American Cause: Democracy. But do not let us lose sight of the fact that we work, they work and some how "the world goes 'round."


Organization of any enterprise is make or break based on the transparency, diligence, and perseverance of its governing bodies.


It sounds so rudimentary, but truly a well oiled machine works best...the man on the production line knows whether his product is good.


Let us use the sense we have. In business, no business can obtain capital without a business plan in place; one that works, serves it purpose and is feasible.


We say, in so many words: (NIKE,) "Just do it!" We love to hear the plan, so tell us more, OKAY?


We, as citizens too often are tuned out, not wanting to hear news that is bad, we may have a feeling that we are being spoon fed whatever the great machine allows...and corruption is seemingly limitless. I disagree.

A cynical view, admittedly, but a common one I might add.



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